Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance your body produces that plays an essential role in protecting nerves and producing hormones and certain vitamins. But high levels can lead to clogged arteries, heart disease and other health complications; the good news is that high cholesterol can usually be avoided through eating healthily and being physically active.

Chest Pains:
High cholesterol symptoms usually include chest tightness or pressure that lasts more than several minutes and feels like a tightening sensation, shortness of breath and sweating as well as cold sweats accompanied by shortness of breath and sometimes radiating down jaw or arms.
Pain may occur in either the center or left side of your chest and ranges from sharp or dull. Breathing in or coughing may exacerbate it further. Additionally, you might experience burning sensations behind your breastbone and discomfort in shoulders or arms when moving them around.
Angina (blockage of an artery supplying blood to your heart and body) occurs when a piece of cholesterol plaque ruptures and forms into a blood clot covering its path to your heart or other parts of your body, and must be treated as a medical emergency; call 999 immediately!
Chest pain may also be an indicator of something amiss with your spleen, an organ located behind your left ribcage that helps fight infection in your body. When damaged by blood clots or disease, myocarditis (inflammation of the sac that surrounds your heart - pericarditis) occurs and causes dull, pressure-like pain in the middle of your chest and particularly on its left side - along with symptoms of sickness, tiredness and jigar ki charbi ka ilaj in urdu.
Leg Pains:
Leg pains are one of the first indications that your cholesterol is too high, caused when fatty, waxy deposits obstruct blood flow through your arteries and block it with deposits made up of fatty and waxy material called peripheral artery disease - similar to atherosclerosis but only affecting legs and feet instead of heart arteries or brain arteries - with cramping tight pain coming from working muscle cells starved of oxygen due to blocked arteries; often worse when walking or climbing stairs and relieved when stopped; occasionally there could be an unpleasant sensation of weakness or coldness or feeling in legs too if this condition basically presents itself.
Other symptoms of DVT may include yellow-tinged skin discolouration or numb, swollen feet or toes, as well as occasional blood clot formation in an artery in your leg; this condition is known as deep vein thrombosis or DVT and typically affects calf muscles but could occur anywhere within the leg, such as the thigh or groin area.
If you experience any of these symptoms, particularly if they include other risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as smoking or diabetes. A lipid panel is the best way to measure cholesterol levels; your doctor will draw blood and send it off for testing at a lab.
Stroke-Like Symptoms:
Cholesterol deposits can clog the arteries and decrease oxygen-rich blood flow to certain parts of the brain. When these parts do not receive adequate supplies of blood and oxygen, symptoms like weakness or difficulty speaking may arise as a result.
High cholesterol increases your risk of having a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), coronary artery disease and other heart conditions such as an irregular heartbeat or valve problem; diabetes further heightens these risks and may eventually increase them as well.
Lipid panels can detect whether or not you have elevated cholesterol. They measure total, LDL and HDL cholesterol levels.
Your diet and other health factors play a part in your cholesterol level. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help bring it down, and medications like statins may be prescribed before hospital discharge to reduce it further. They're frequently given as preventive measure after stroke or TIA to avoid further issues from developing.
Other treatments include dietary changes and supplementation with plant sterols and stanols such as plant sterols or stanols derived from food or supplements like plant sterols and stanols found in yogurt or margarines or taken as tablets; these cannot reduce your risk as effectively as statins so should be combined with healthy eating practices to effectively cholesterol kam karne ka tarika in urdu. People living with certain medical conditions, like sickle cell disease, are especially prone to stroke caused by high cholesterol; red blood cells take on sickle shapes which block blood circulation from reaching the brain.
Dizziness is a widespread symptom that may indicate any number of health conditions, from inner ear infection and blood pressure issues, to medications, heart disease or stroke.1 It's important to recognize what may be contributing to dizziness as it could indicate any number of health issues and disorders that require medical treatment.
High cholesterol alone does not cause dizziness; however, it increases your risk for conditions which do have symptoms - including vertigo.
If you have high cholesterol, your doctor will examine your blood levels and provide recommendations based on your medical history and lifestyle factors, which may include medications or lifestyle modifications. If dizziness strikes, they will ask about its frequency and intensity before looking for any potential triggers like foods, drinks or weather changes as potential culprits.
Vertigo can be caused by infections that attack the inner ear, often leading to feelings that the room is spinning or you're losing your balance. Such sensations could be signs of vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis - infections in which both balance and hearing may be cholesterol in urdu
Dizziness may also be caused by low iron levels, which can be treated through medication and diet changes. Circulation issues - like sudden drops in blood pressure - can be treated through medications as well as healthy practices like cutting out caffeine intake and eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.