If your sperm count and motility are low, we may prescribe medicine to increase fertility. Clomid is a fertility drug which stimulates testosterone production while simultaneously increasing sperm count and motility for men.
Antioxidant supplements like vitamin C, E, ashwagandha, zinc and selenium may help increase sperm count and motility. You can find these products both at pharmacies and online.

Clomid may be associated with female fertility treatments, but it can also provide men experiencing various male factor infertility issues with some relief. These issues include hormonal imbalance, low testosterone and poor sperm motility.
Clomiphene citrate helps by stimulating testicles to release these hormones which in turn increase sperm count. Other treatments for male infertility issues include human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections to increase testosterone production; anastrozole (originally designed for breast cancer patients which prevents testosterone conversion into estrogen); anastrozole (originally developed to prevent testosterone conversion into estrogen); surgery for correction of varicoceles in testicles.
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Clomiphene citrate to significantly enhance sperm concentration and forward progression motility for cases of Idiopathic Oligoasthenozoospermia. One research project involved 60 sub fertile men divided into two groups; one received Clomiphene citrate plus vitamin E while the other received placebo; after six months both groups experienced an increase in sperm count due to treatment; these results indicate Clomid is an effective means for male infertility issues.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E supplements can help increase sperm count. Antioxidant vitamins like this one protect sperm from free radical damage and make it easier for sperm to reach an egg and fertilize it, increasing fertility. You can find vitamin E in nuts and seeds as well as supplements - you may even consider eating a vegetarian diet!
Research demonstrates the power of vitamin E as an antioxidant, as well as its impact on male fertility. One study involved giving men with infertility issues supplements containing folate, vitamin E, zinc selenium and coenzyme Q10 which significantly increased sperm concentrations, normal motility and herbal medicine for sex.
Low sperm counts and quality are often at the root of male factor infertility. This can be caused by genetic disorders, infections, stress or nutritional deficiencies - factors which can all be treated through diet or other therapies. There are also natural ways to increase sperm count and quality, such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and giving up smoking - these could all improve fertility for good!
Fenugreek (methi) is an ancient ingredient widely used in Indian dishes. It is thought to increase libido and fertility. Rich in proteins, dietary fiber and B vitamins it contains numerous antioxidants as well.
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for fertility. It can boost sperm count, motility, and morphology while decreasing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). You can find Vitamin C in various food products - particularly citrus fruits - as well as supplements.
Zinc is another nutrient that can improve sperm count and motility, found in foods such as beans, nuts, seafood as well as supplements.
Other natural remedies that may assist with increasing sperm count and motility include Maca root and coenzyme Q10. Both herbs may help regulate hormones to support healthy sperm production, so smoking and alcohol intake should be reduced significantly for best fertility results. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also key.
Zinc is an essential mineral in our bodies that plays many different functions. For sperm production - or spermatogenesis - as well as protection of DNA, proteins, and lipids from damage, zinc supplementation may help increase normal sperm counts in infertile men; however, more studies must be performed before concluding its effectiveness.
Zinc concentration in semen has been found to correlate directly with both sperm count and motility, while deficiency may result in low sperm counts, poor quality sperm production, infertility and diminished fertility. Zinc also serves as an immune regulator and cryoprotectants; furthermore it reduces oxidative changes post ejaculation by acting as a growth factor and immune regulator.
Zinc is widely known to increase sperm motility in vitro by stimulating both isoforms of Adenylyl-cyclase (AC), soluble and transmembrane AC. Furthermore, zinc increases concentrations of cAMP in testis while decreasing ROS levels; both factors which help combat capacitation and herbal treatment for sex.
Ashwagandha is a natural aphrodisiac that provides many advantages for men. It raises testosterone levels while improving sperm count, arousal and motility, as well as relieving stress-induced low sperm counts. Ashwagandha can be consumed either in powder form or supplement form; mixing one teaspoon with honey prior to bed can increase fertility by 13%.
Furthermore, Ashwagandha helps regulate hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis which plays an essential role in male fertility while decreasing cortisol levels which disrupt healthy production while increasing oxidative stress in seminal fluid.
Clinical trial results demonstrated the benefits of using Ashwagandha Root Extract on patients suffering from Oligospermia by increasing sperm count and motility while simultaneously improving semen quality by decreasing oxidative damage to sperm cell membranes and increasing essential metal ions in semen samples. Ashwagandha Root Extract proved both safe and effective with no reported side effects.
Ashwagandha may help increase sperm count and motility while simultaneously improving libido. According to one study, extract from Ashwagandha root increased sexual arousal and orgasm for healthy women while simultaneously relieving symptoms of depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, taking too much Ashwagandha could interfere with certain medications used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes as well as those that reduce immune herbal sex medicine.