Low sperm motility (the percentage of sperm that moves forward), makes fertilization of eggs difficult. Your doctor may recommend assisted reproductive techniques like IUI or artificial insemination as ways to overcome this difficulty.
Medication from the ACE-inhibitor class, such as captopril and enalapril, can have a negative impact on sperm quality.

Certain hormones play an integral part in sperm production and imbalance can significantly decrease its count and motility. Although medications that help restore these hormones back to their proper levels may help, experts believe natural remedies, diet changes, and lifestyle modifications are usually more successful in increasing sperm count and motility.
Diets rich in antioxidants may help increase sperm counts. Vitamin C, for instance, can be found in food sources like strawberries, tomatoes, cantaloupe melon and dark-green vegetables - but other vital elements such as zinc, folate and selenium also play a part in maintaining healthy sperm counts. Furthermore, avoiding exposure to bisphenol A or other synthetic estrogens could prevent an imbalance of hormones that impede fertility.
Antidepressants, steroids and certain antibiotics have all been linked to reduced levels of healthy sperm production. If a man suspects his medication could be impacting his sperm levels negatively, he should consult his physician about if and how the drug can safely be discontinued.
Low sperm counts may be caused by infection in the prostate or epididymis ducts behind the testicles. A physician may suggest antibiotics as a treatment option to address this infection and boost production of sperm. Low levels may also result from hormonal issues or an enlarged testicular vein requiring treatment with testosterone injections by an urologist in these instances in order to alleviate low numbers and boost production of herbal products online.
Antibiotics have been known to have adverse impacts on fertility, including reduced semen volume and altered hormone levels or impaired sperm function. Although the negative impact will usually subside after stopping taking the medication, if you're trying to become pregnant it is wise to speak to your physician about which medicines may affect it and which could possibly interfere with ovulation or conception.
Ant epilepsy medications such as carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine, certain blood pressure medicines and sulfa drugs used to treat ulcers and rheumatoid arthritis may all have an impact on sperm production. Furthermore, herbal or natural remedies containing testosterone or its analogues could decrease production further.
Recent research published in "Thermogenesis and Metabolism" indicates that oral administration of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid at a dose of 81 mg/kg body weight twice daily causes disruption of spermatogenesis in mice, leading to decreased motility, DNA content and testis morphological abnormalities.
Lifestyle factors also have an effect on sperm health, including being overweight or too thin, smoking cigarettes excessively, drinking excessively and genetic influences. Overall healthiness will impact his sperm; as will taking daily multivitamin and vitamin C supplements to help reduce inflammation in his testes and increase quality sperm production.
Gene Therapy:
Gene therapy is a medical practice that delivers healthy copies of genes directly into cells in your body. The new genes may replace or inactivate existing mutations or introduce entirely new ones; different viruses or vehicles are often used to transport healthy copies into cells; this therapy can improve fertility by increasing sperm count and fertility rates.
Researchers conducted a landmark study with mice to correct a mutation that causes azoospermia. Their goal was to restore sperm production in these animals by targeting Steel, the gene which controls how germ cells dawakhana in pakistan. Once they replaced the defective Steel gene with its normal counterpart, affected sperm precursor cells began remodeling their shape and acting more like early germ cells on their way toward becoming sperm.
Scientists then transplanted the sperm precursor cells back into male mice, and their animals became fertile again - marking a first in gene therapy's history as being used to cure infertility-related genetic disease. The research is exciting as it suggests a possible cure for male infertility may soon emerge.
Lifestyle Changes:
Studies demonstrate that lifestyle changes can help increase both sperm count and motility for men. These include diet, exercise and avoiding smoking, excess alcohol consumption, illicit drug use and certain prescription medications. Herbal supplements such as Fenugreek contain extract from melon seeds which has been proven to boost testosterone levels and sperm quality across several studies while Ashwagandha herb has traditionally been used as medicine and has increased motility and count simultaneously in one research paper.
Diets that provide essential sperm-friendly nutrients, like fish, lean poultry, fruits & veggies, whole grains & healthy fats are often recommended by researchers as being particularly effective at increasing both count and motility of sperm cells. A diet low in Tran’s fatty acids & saturated fats could further promote improved health for unani medicine in pakistan.
Addition of foods rich in Vitamin C and D can also help increase sperm count and motility, with citrus fruits and dark green vegetables providing ample amounts of Vitamin C; eggs, fish, milk and fortified cereals all contain plenty of Vitamin D; Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids like omega-3 are also proving helpful while restricting processed meats such as hot dogs or salami may reduce sperm count according to research studies.