Herbal medicine uses natural plants to treat diseases and enhance overall health and wellbeing, though some interactions may occur with pharmaceutical medicines. Therefore, it is wise to discuss any potential herbal supplements with your GP prior to trying any new ones.
Herbal supplements can provide an attractive alternative to prescription and over-the-counter medicines, yet aren't subject to as much regulation.

Tribulus terrestris:
Tribulus terrestris has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, making it a common ingredient of herbal supplements and touted for its various health benefits. Studies suggest it can lower blood sugar levels and improve cardiovascular health, while others show it has libido-enhancing effects in men. Furthermore, this herb can relieve bloating and decrease blood pressure.
Tribulosteroids, saponins, and sterols account for the herb's medicinal properties. For over five millennia in Asian medicine, its stem and root have been utilized for various urinary tract infections (hematuria, dysuria, and enuresis) and urogenital diseases; including urinary tract infections like hematuria (hematuria dysuria enuresis) as well as urinary calculi (urinary calculus). Tribulosteroids saponins sterols also play a part; relieving painful urination while stimulating urethral sphincter relaxation (Chatre et al 2008).
Numerous preclinical and clinical studies indicate that Tribulus terrestris has the ability to promote sperm production and increase fertility among humans, as well as improve male libido and erectile function in animal tests.
Furthermore, it can prevent kidney stones by encouraging urination and decreasing calcium compounds found in urine - however excessive dosages could potentially damage livers and kidneys so prioritizing medical advice when considering taking this supplement is best hakim in lahore.
Pumpkin seed:
Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo) are an excellent source of zinc, magnesium and potassium as well as protein, dietary fiber and essential fatty acids. You can consume them raw or roast them to add them to salads; find organic varieties grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in grocery stores or health food stores for best results.
Eating pumpkin seed oil may help alleviate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), in which an enlarged prostate gland makes you feel like you need to go all of the time, which is a condition often experienced by men over 50.
Pumpkin seed oil inhibits an enzyme which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone which can lead to BPH; according to one 2022 study participants who took pumpkin seed oil experienced significant reduction in urinary symptoms and quality of life, although this did not alter severity of their erectile dysfunction severity.
Pumpkin seed oil has long been recognized for enhancing sperm motility. Zinc, found abundantly in pumpkin seeds, is essential to optimal reproductive health and fertility, helping men improve erectile function by stimulating blood flow to their penis and vasodilator properties that maintain an erection by increasing nitric oxide production.
Boron citrate:
Boron is an essential mineral that can be found in various food products such as prunes, raisins, and dried apricots. Additionally, it's available as dietary supplements which often combine it with other minerals or vitamins for use as strengthening agents to combat osteoarthritis symptoms and reduce stress while improving thinking skills and treating prostate problems while increasing testosterone levels. Before taking boron supplements it's wise to first consult your healthcare provider.
Many herbal medications aren't FDA-approved and could contain contaminants from soil or factory conditions. Furthermore, they could interact with medications or cause unintended side effects; purchasing them from a reputable herbalist or health food store is the safest way to ensure they won't harm your health.
Boron supplements are sold in many forms, such as boroni citrate. Some are designed to increase bone density, protect the prostate, and increase testosterone levels; others treat erectile dysfunction and urinary tract infections. They're readily available at most natural health stores as well as online retailers; boroni powder can even be mixed into water and sprayed into your mouth or throat to unani medicine store online.
Panax ginseng root extract is popularly consumed as a dietary supplement due to its purported health benefits. Ginseng may help relieve stress, improve mood, and boost energy levels; additionally it is said to be an aphrodisiac and can aid with sexual problems that men might be having; making it a staple ingredient in male herbal remedies.
Ginseng can also serve to strengthen one's immune system. Studies indicate that it may protect against certain forms of cancer; its phenolic compounds known as ginsenosides may inhibit tumor growth while simultaneously decreasing inflammation in the body; more research needs to be conducted before any definitive statements can be made on this matter.
Ginseng is an effective antioxidant, and may help lower blood sugar levels for those living with diabetes. However, certain medications may interact negatively with it so it's essential that you closely monitor your blood sugar level while taking ginseng.
Ginseng can also serve as a powerful libido booster and improve the quality of sperm production, in addition to having anti-inflammatory effects that could help treat erectile dysfunction. These advantages may be attributable to its adaptogen properties - strengthening resistance against physical and chemical stress while bolstering general vitality -, its stimulating brain benefits, as well as being an aphrodisiac due to compounds which promote sperm production and motility, making this an aphrodisiac in ajmal dawakhana male products.