If your sperm count is low, your semen may not be able to fertilize your partner's egg successfully. A number of factors could reduce sperm counts such as medications or long-term illness;
Vitamin C has been shown to boost sperm count and motility. Maca root extract may also help improve quality sperm.

Ashwagandha, an adaptogen native to India that has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine, can help the body deal with stress more easily while increasing fertility by stimulating orgasms and lubrication during sexual encounters. Before taking any herbs or vitamins it's wise to consult a doctor; they can offer tailored guidance according to your health needs as well as determine an ideal dosage level for you.
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of ashwagandha root extract on increasing sperm count and improving semen quality, such as one that involved 46 male patients suffering from low sperm counts (oligospermia) who received either 225 mg of ashwagandha root or placebo daily for 90 days - they observed increased semen volume, concentration, motility and more!
Ashwagandha contains antioxidants, which can protect sperm cells from free radical damage and boost libido while decreasing symptoms associated with erectile dysfunction such as low energy levels and fatigue. Also, eating more vegetables and fruits will increase sperm counts significantly.
CoQ10 is an antioxidant nutrient that can significantly increase sperm count. By protecting mitochondria from oxidative stress and encouraging production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), CoQ10 helps protect mitochondria and enhance production of Adenosine Triphosphate. Furthermore, CoQ10 improves both sperm morphology and DNA integrity for improved fertility herbal company.
Sperm count is essential to fertility, as it increases the odds of fertilizing an egg and reaching and fertilizing it. Low sperm count may be caused by hormonal imbalances that compromise testosterone levels; CoQ10 can improve motility by raising testosterone levels while decreasing mitochondrial damage from oxidation damage.
Studies conducted by Nazari et al on 180 patients with idiopathic oligospermia who received an antioxidant mixture that included CoQ10 showed a 29% decline in spermatic nitric oxide-related oxidative degradation and 40% drop in highly DNA degraded cells [32], leading to increased density, concentration and normal sperm morphology as well as seminal plasma ATP levels as well as decreases in oxidative stress markers over three months of treatment [33].
Shilajit (commonly referred to as mumie or moomiyo) is an exudate from sedimentary rocks at high altitudes in the Himalayan Mountains that contains fulvic acid and minerals - making it an excellent supplement to increase sperm count. Fulvic acid serves as an antioxidant which protects cells against free radical damage that accelerates aging while hindering production of sperm cells.
Studies show that Shilajit can enhance sperm morphology and motility, providing assistance to men with low sperm counts. Furthermore, it regulates menstrual cycles and promotes ovulation; furthermore it increases testosterone levels and libido in male users while treating hormonal imbalances that contribute to infertility.
One study gave men with low sperm counts shilajit supplements for 90 days and found it increased their count, motility, and testosterone levels. Another showed it improved sperm quality in those suffering from oligospermia due to fulvic acid's ability to increase gut bacteria activity and enhance nutrient absorption - these studies show shilajit's efficacy as an infertility treatment option. These results point towards its use as an effective treatment.
Omega 3s:
Omega 3s are essential to the function of sperm cells. Found in their membranes, omega 3s help improve motility and morphology while also increasing fertilization rates and concentration rates; in addition, omega 3s help decrease oxidative stress levels and can even prevent cell mutation.
Recent research indicates that vitamin D supplements could help increase sperm count among men with low testosterone levels, in particular. Vitamin D's increased fertility-promoting properties include supporting healthy blood flow to the penis - something diet rich in vegetables and fish can do as well. Before taking any vitamin D supplements it's wise to seek medical advice first.
Fish oil concentrate may help increase sperm count by increasing Omega-3 content in seminal fluid, increasing production, and movement and fertilization rates. Furthermore, it helps lower SHBG levels which binds free testosterone and thus hinders sperm production; additionally oxidative stress is reduced and DNA integrity preserved through protection by this herbal store online.
Lycopene, the antioxidant responsible for giving tomatoes their red hue, may increase both the quantity and quality of male sperm. According to research conducted at the University of Sheffield, researchers tested Lacto Lycopene as an oral supplement on male fertility to see whether it would help increase healthy-shaped sperm morphology as well as boost fast swimming sperm counts among men with impaired testicular function.
This team are currently assessing the results of a small pilot trial of 60 men who have been randomly assigned either two capsules daily of Lacto Lycopene (an OTC supplement) or placebo pills and have provided blood and sperm samples at the start, midway point, and at its conclusion in order to evaluate its impact on improving sperm count, concentration, motility.
Studies on both humans and animals have demonstrated the benefits of lycopene to improve sperm parameters as well as mitigate DNA damage caused by oxidative stress, but due to being conducted over limited periods. For conclusive evidence, large-scale placebo-controlled trials will need to take place over longer time frames for pak herbal sex medicine.