Majun for Low Sperm Count: Unlocking the Power of Unani Herbal Therapy If your sperm count is low, the fluid that you expel during orgasm (semen) contains fewer sperm than normal; this condition is known as oligospermia.
There are a variety of natural solutions for low sperm counts that may help boost production, such as Ashwagandha, Fortege and Shatavari. These herbs help stimulate neuro-genitourinary systems to increase sperm production while increasing motility, shape and size of sperm production.

Shilajit is an effective natural sperm enhancer and widely recognized ayurvedic remedy with multiple health benefits, particularly testosterone production and fertility enhancement. Shilajit increases testosterone levels - essential hormones in producing and fertilising sperm - as well as motility. As an adaptogen it also balances stress responses within the body to decrease risk of DNA damage to sperm production.
Athena contains plenty of antioxidants, like Fulvic acid, that fight oxidative stress and support the health of sperm cells while also aiding overall reproductive wellbeing by balancing the hormonal system.
Cannabis also helps boost libido, making it an effective aphrodisiac for men experiencing low sperm counts. Furthermore, its natural aphrodisiac properties enhance stamina and endurance for stronger, longer-lasting erections as well as being an excellent stress buster, improving sleep quality while alleviating sperm count increase tablets for men.
Safed musli:
Chlorophytum borivilianum, commonly referred to as safed musli, is a flowering plant found in certain Indian forest areas. Its roots may possess spermatogenic properties which could potentially increase both sperm count and motility; additionally it acts as a natural aphrodisiac which may help improve sexual stamina while combatting erectile dysfunction.
This herb comes in powder form, making it easy to mix with milk or honey for quick consumption. Furthermore, you can incorporate it into herbal blends for greater effectiveness or take capsules for easy administration.
Recent research suggests that an aqueous root extract of safed musli could improve sperm count and motility in rats, making it possible to treat male infertility as well as other disorders affecting sexual functioning. This treatment could potentially also aid with male infertility treatment plans and/or improve overall sexual ajmal herbal medicine for sexually long time.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb known to help lower levels of cortisol in the body while simultaneously increasing testosterone and sexual libido. These effects may explain its ability to boost sperm count: A double-blind study conducted with 46 men with low sperm counts found that taking 225 mg of Ashwagandha root extract daily for 90 days resulted in an impressive 167% increase.
Maca root has also been shown to increase sperm count and motility in healthy males, according to a 2019 study that combined maca root and ashwagandha for maximum effectiveness on sperm morphology, progressive motility, ejaculate volume in healthy men.
Men with low sperm counts may benefit from diet changes as well as hormone treatments to increase testosterone levels, and some men even find temporary relief with a boost of testosterone treatment if their infection clears and production returns to normal.
Majun Arad Khurma is a traditional Unani medicine designed to enhance sexual vigor and increase density of semen production while increasing sperm count and motility. Made of dates, seeds and herbs that contain strong restorative powers for increasing sperm count.
Fortege is an Ayurvedic concept used to treat male infertility and Asthenia (nervous, muscular and sexual fatigue). This medicine gradually strengthens genito-urinary and neuro-glandular systems while aiding digestion, assimilation and morning evacuation - relieving fatigue without contributing to the vicious circle of Stimulation Exhaustion Depression which leads to loss of confidence and unani treatment in surat e anzal.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is an adaptogenic herb which helps the body cope with stress. Furthermore, it contains compounds called saponins which have antioxidant properties which balance hormones and increase immunity.
Apple Cider Vinegar can have estrogen-like effects to alleviate menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, low libido and bone density loss, while simultaneously stimulating ovulation in women. Incorporating apple cider vinegar in diet also contains phytoestrogens - plant-based compounds which mimic estrogen activity - providing an natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy.
Shatavari is one of the key components in Addyzoa, an Ayurvedic supplement designed to increase sperm count. Used along with Guduchi, Ashwagandha and Amalaki to support healthy production, motility, shape as well as shape retention - as well as being an aphrodisiac!