Low sperm counts can impede fertility and sexual performance. Natural treatments exist that can boost sperm counts and enhance their health; such as diet modifications, supplements, and herbal medicine.
Eat foods rich in polyunsaturated fats and antioxidants to optimize sperm concentration and motility, and avoid those containing pesticides, which act like xenoestrogens and can decrease sperm counts.

1. D-aspartic acid:
Studies suggest that D-aspartic acid could increase sperm count and motility, however more trials must take place before being considered as a possible remedy for male fertility issues.
Folic acid, another B vitamin, may help increase sperm count. According to one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, taking both folic acid and zinc improved motility; however, other clinical research indicates that taking either alone doesn't do the trick.
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that protects sperm from free radical damage and also supports Leydig cells that play an integral part in testosterone production. A study using 2.6 grams of D-aspartic acid, folic acid and zinc showed improved sperm count and motility following this combination therapy regimen.
2. Maca root:
Maca root has long been used by both men and women living in South America's Andes region to promote energy, fertility and semen production.
However, these findings are based on limited research and subjective reports; thus further large-scale clinical trials should be performed to validate these assertions. While maca has been linked with improvements in hormone levels (notably non estrogen-like hormones like progesterone), more large scale clinical trials should be performed first to demonstrate its effects properly. Maca may help regulate hormones for women and help synchronize cycles for easier timing of ovulation.
One study published in 2020 demonstrated that men with low sperm count and motility saw significant improvements when taking maca powder for 12 weeks versus placebo; it is still unknown exactly why or how this improvement happens.
3. Coenzyme Q10:
Coenzyme Q10, a naturally-occurring antioxidant, helps support metabolism while protecting cells from free radical damage. Additionally, CoQ10 is used as a treatment for heart conditions as well as being included in many anti-aging products. In men with low levels of CoQ10 in their seminal fluid, its presence can improve sperm count, motility and Akseer e kiram.
Studies have demonstrated that men who take CoQ10 supplements experience an increase in sperm count, motility and concentration due to CoQ10's ability to promote mitochondrial function and decrease oxidative stress within sperm cells.
CoQ10 is a lipid-soluble antioxidant, capable of drawing electrons to attract them and neutralizing excess free radicals, protecting sperm against oxidative damage while increasing their count, motility, morphology and DNA integrity.
4. Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is an antioxidant known to decrease oxidative stress. Additionally, it acts as a fertility vitamin by increasing sperm count, motility and normal morphology. For best results it should be combined with folate, vitamin E and selenium supplements; while Vitamin C acts as an additional way to protect sperm DNA against damage caused by free radicals.
Studies have demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation dramatically increases sperm count, motility and morphology. This effect may be explained by vitamin D's effects on motility enhancement by increasing supply of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide + hydrogen to the ATP production pathway and intracellular calcium ion concentration; furthermore it promotes functional testicle development with Sterol cells - particularly important in cases of low sperm count such as Oligozoospermic men.
5. Ashwagandha:
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body combat stress and enhance immunity. Additionally, it's an aphrodisiac herb with fertility-enhancing effects such as increased sperm count and motility, improved fertility rates, boosted fertility rates as well as increasing semen quality through decreased oxidative stress levels and by enhancing natural endogenous antioxidant production. Studies suggest this supplement may also aid with improving semen quality by decreasing oxidative stress while simultaneously increasing endogenous antioxidant production and improving semen quality production by increasing natural endogenous antioxidant production within semen production - helping improve both counts and semen quality while improving semen quality by decreasing oxidative stress and increasing natural endogenous antioxidant production within laboob e kabeer ajmali.
One study discovered that men with low sperm counts who supplemented with Ashwagandha experienced a 167% increase after 90 days. Ashwagandha has also been shown to decrease stress levels, insomnia, and fatigue and skin conditions by lowering serum cortisol, the hormone linked with stress. Ashwagandha can be purchased in various forms such as capsules or powders; researchers recommend taking 500 to 600 mg daily of a high-quality Ashwagandha supplement.