Males with low sperm counts can usually improve the quality and quantity of their sperm through diet, vitamin supplements and lifestyle modifications. Some medications, including those used to treat epilepsy (carbamazepine and valproate) or HIV/AIDS can have adverse impacts on sperm quality or quantity.
Before taking herbal or natural supplements, always consult a healthcare provider first. Not doing so could potentially cause significant harm, particularly if they contain testosterone.

Folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9, is essential to producing healthy sperm. You can find this vitamin in foods like liver, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage), whole grains and bananas; supplementing your diet with this nutrient can increase sperm count and motility as well as reduce oxidative DNA damage to help with conception difficulties. Taking folic acid supplements could be the key if you're having difficulty.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant with significant potential to protect sperm from DNA damage. Studies have demonstrated that taking 1,000mg daily of Vitamin C for two months can significantly improve sperm counts, motility and normal morphology among men with low fertility. Additional research shows how supplementing with selenium, vitamin E and folate could significantly enhance its health benefits in this way as well.
L-carnitine is an amino acid that transports fatty acids into cells for energy production and serves as an antioxidant to decrease oxidative stress. A study showed infertile men taking a combination of L-carnitine, CoQ10, zinc selenium folic acid and vitamin C experienced significant increases in their sperm concentration motility and male health care.
Zinc is an essential mineral for sperm production and its lack can directly impact testosterone levels, which in turn impact sperm count and motility. Therefore, it is crucial that you get enough zinc through foods such as oysters, beef, poultry and legumes - or by taking zinc supplements to ensure adequate intake.
Omega-3 fatty acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids are vitally important to male fertility and are found in the membrane of spermatozoa. Studies have demonstrated that supplementing with omega-3s improves semen quality - including count and motility - though results of studies vary considerably; further investigation must take place.
A review of three RCTs and one observational study published in 2019 demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation significantly enhanced sperm concentration and morphology among men with low sperm counts. Furthermore, these reviews suggested dietary changes could have had an influence on this outcome as well.
High levels of Tran’s fats, saturated fats and cholesterol have been linked with reduced sperm counts; to maximize testosterone and sperm production it would be wise to limit or avoid their consumption. Dairy products with added plant-based estrogens (xenoestrogens) should also be limited.
Ashwagandha (also known as Indian ginseng) may also help, with studies showing it increased sperm count by more than 150% over three months for men with low counts. Zinc supplements may also boost motility. Before taking any dietary supplement it's wise to speak with your physician first.
Maca root:
Maca root, commonly referred to as an Andean vegetable-like plant, has long been utilized by native Peruvians as both a food and medicine source. Maca is believed to balance hormones, increase energy and sexual virility, as well as enhance fertility for both men and women - although there is not sufficient scientific proof backing such claims.
The plant boasts numerous essential nutrients, including unsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids and several alkaloids. Furthermore, it is abundant with plant sterols such as beta-sitosterol and campesterol that may aid in increasing sperm production and motility.
Studies on maca root have reported it may help male and female fertility. One research project demonstrated how taking 2.4g of maca extract daily for 12 weeks increased libido in men with mild erectile dysfunction, and another research paper demonstrated it can increase testosterone and Leydig cell count in mice and rats.
Studies published in 2016 demonstrated that maca extract increases sperm motility among both fertile and infertile men, according to two separate shilajit capsule for sex comparing it with placebo in nine healthy volunteers. Both trials found significant increases in concentration of sperm, along with their normal morphology; however, their small sample sizes necessitate further investigation for confirmation of these results.
Coenzyme Q10:
Coenzyme Q10, commonly referred to as CoQ10, is an antioxidant produced naturally by our bodies and often consumed as dietary supplements. Studies have demonstrated its beneficial properties for improving several semen parameters including concentration and motility; however, according to a meta-analysis performed recently the effects of CoQ10 differ depending on its dose and duration of treatment; this may be related to differences between patient selection and control groups as well as differences in CoQ10 therapy dose and duration.
CoQ10 supplementation may increase sperm count and motility by increasing production of ATP, the energy-producing substance produced by cells. Furthermore, CoQ10 can protect sperm against free radical damage caused by metabolic processes in cells; free radicals are generated during these processes but have special antioxidative systems designed to eliminate them; unfortunately these antioxidative systems may become overwhelmed due to environmental toxins and cause DNA damage to occur in their sperm cells.
Studies have demonstrated a correlation between blood and seminal plasma CoQ10 levels and sperm concentration, motility, morphology and concentration in patients suffering from azoospermia and hypospermia and increased fertilization rates; one such study even reported 27% increased fertilization rates among couples who have low fertility.
Keep in mind that improving sperm counts and motility does not happen overnight, so allow enough time for any supplements you decide to try to have an impact. Also consult a healthcare provider prior to beginning any new herbal sex product.