Low sperm count or motility could be caused by genetic conditions, infections, hormones or blockages; lifestyle factors like diet, exercise and vitamin supplements could help alleviate some of these symptoms.
Tomatoes contain the nutrient lycopene, which has been shown to improve sperm count and motility. Fish and walnuts also provide valuable sources of omega-3 fatty acids which can enhance health and motility of sperm cells.

B-Complex Vitamins:
Vitamin B complex is a key nutrient for producing and quality sperm production and quality. Studies have demonstrated its beneficial effect on semen parameters including count, concentration, motility and morphology. Vitamin A and C also play an integral part in keeping sperm healthy; both vitamins can be found naturally in fruit and vegetables as well as available as dietary supplements.
Folic acid (folate), an essential natural nutrient for improving both quantity and quality of sperm production, has long been recognized for increasing sperm count while also decreasing DNA damage to enhance DFI (Diffusion Fertility Index) scores. Folic acid can be found naturally occurring foods like liver beans broccoli spinach avocados and bananas.
Coenzyme Q10, commonly referred to as CoQ10, is an antioxidant molecule that can protect sperm cells against oxidative damage. Studies have revealed that higher levels of CoQ10 in seminal fluid are linked with increased sperm count and higher rates of progressive motility; supplementation with CoQ10 was also found to significantly improve these metrics in best hakeem in lahore.
Zinc is an essential mineral that supports male reproductive health by increasing sperm count and motility, acting as an antioxidant, and acting as a natural aphrodisiac. Oysters have long been recognized as a good source of zinc due to their libido-boosting effects. Zinc can also be taken in supplement form to increase sperm quality.
Our ExSeed Multi contains zinc along with other sperm-boosting vitamins and minerals to boost sperm count. Studies have revealed that taking multiple supplements together increases their effectiveness. Vitamin C and Folic acid supplements have been shown to significantly reduce oxidative damage to sperm DNA, while Muira Puama, an ancient herbal remedy which promotes sexual health, as well as Pomegranate 70% Ellagen may help increase sperm count.
An infection may be the source of low sperm count. Our clinic offers antibiotic therapy treatments to resolve infections and increase natural sperm counts naturally.
Improving overall body health is the best way to increase sperm count. This includes eating a well-balanced diet and following an effective exercise regime. Other essential lifestyle components that can increase sperm count include quitting smoking or alcohol abuse, maintaining a healthy weight and managing stress effectively.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids (also referred to as polyunsaturated fats or PUFAs) are an essential nutrient for maintaining an adequate sperm count. According to studies, semen membrane lipid composition affects how effectively sperm fertilize an egg; omega-3 fatty acids may contribute by increasing production of an essential cap known as an acrosome that penetrates an egg for successful fertilization.
One study gave men either placebo or 1.8g of DHA for 32 weeks, and found that DHA significantly improved several semen parameters including total sperm concentration, motility and morphology as well as reduced semen oxidative damage. Unfortunately due to limited studies and varied outcomes between trials further research is required in order to confirm these results.
Vitamin B9, more commonly referred to as Folate, is an essential dietary component necessary for red blood cell function and DNA formation. Low folate levels have been linked with reduced sperm count and motility; Folate can be found in foods like dark leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
CoQ10 is an antioxidant essential to our bodies' metabolic processes and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Studies have online herbal store in pakistan its impact in reducing oxidative stress levels and improving sperm quality.
D-Aspartic Acid:
D-aspartic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid which plays an essential role in hormone production and release. It's found in testicles, semen, sperm cells and food sources like beef, oysters and nectarines; studies suggest taking supplements of D-Aspartic acid may increase testosterone levels as well as LH levels - essential components for fertility - leading to better fertility prospects. D-aspartic acid comes both as dietary capsules and powder supplements available on the market today
Recent research published in Advances in Sexual Medicine demonstrated that supplementing men with low sperm count and motility with D-aspartic acid, folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 nearly doubled their concentration and motility of sperm count and motility by taking D-aspartic acid, folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12. Increasing testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and sperm count is an integral component of fertility treatment.
Vitamin C is another nutrient to add to your diet in order to improve fertility, with studies showing taking 2,000mg spread throughout the day helping increase testosterone, sperm count and motility as well as protecting them against damage caused by oxidation. Additionally, taking Vitamin C also protects DNA in sperm from being damaged due to oxidation damage.
Caffeine consumption should also be limited and high-fat dairy and soy consumption avoided, as both have negative impacts on fertility by decreasing testosterone and sperm counts, and contain xenoestrogens that may interfere with motility of sperm count and man power medicine.