There's no one-size-fits-all approach to increasing sperm count, but making some healthy lifestyle adjustments and natural remedies may help. Folate, vitamin C and polyunsaturated fats are key nutrients that promote healthy sperm.
Avoiding foods laced with pesticides that contain xenoestrogens can also help improve fertility, along with taking supplements like ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) or maca root for added support.

1. Vitamin C:
Men with varicocele, which blocks their sperm ducts, may experience increased sperm counts after surgery to treat this condition, though this doesn't always translate to higher pregnancy rates.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant known to decrease seminal oxidative damage that negatively impacts sperm DNA. One double-blind placebo-controlled study demonstrated this benefit; daily supplementation of less than 1000 mg was proven to improve both count and motility as compared hakeem online.
Studies have demonstrated that combining vitamins C and E can significantly decrease oxidative damage to sperm. Coenzyme Q10 has also been shown to improve motility and count, and including fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet could also help increase its production. Avoid foods containing pesticides which act as xenoestrogens that interfere with sperm production.
2. Vitamin D:
Men with low sperm count often experience oxidative stress that damages their sperm and decreases testosterone levels, potentially harming fertility and fertility. Supplementation with vitamins C and D helps avoid this damage while improving fertility.
Research has also indicated that diets rich in zinc and folate may help increase sperm count and fertility, while taking Indian ginseng (ashwagandha) has shown to boost motility and sperm count among men with lower counts.
D-aspartic acid may help improve sperm health as studies indicate. Studies indicate that this amino acid can increase testosterone and sperm count in men experiencing fertility issues, thus providing much-needed support to ensure healthy fertility outcomes.
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Omega-3 fatty acids may help relieve inflammation caused by low semen count that often leads to infertility. Furthermore, these essential fatty acids help retain electrolytes, water, and vital nutrients within testicular tissues for improved production and motility of sperm production.
Studies from randomized controlled trials (RCT) have demonstrated that diets high in fish or supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids may have a beneficial impact on fertility markers in infertile men's semen. This effect seems more pronounced with increased dose and longer-term omega-3 supplementation via capsules.
Studies conducted on supplements containing selenium, zinc, CoQ10 and carnitine have also shown improvements in sperm parameters; however it remains uncertain whether these enhancements in quality lead to increased fertility.
4. Ashwagandha:
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an herb known for increasing testosterone levels and improving fertility, as well as treating erectile dysfunction.
One study involved 46 oligospermic males randomly receiving either placebo or a high concentration, full spectrum Ashwagandha root extract daily for 90 days, which resulted in their sperm count increasing 167%, semen volume growing 53% and motility rising 57%; serum testosterone and LH were also increased.
Other factors that may help boost sperm count include eating healthily, sleeping properly, and remaining physically active. Before trying any supplements containing herbs or natural medicines, please speak to your healthcare hakeem near me.
5. Maca Root:
Maca is a high-altitude plant grown in Central Peru's Andes region that has long been utilized by indigenous populations as an effective fertility-booster. Maca contains hormone-like compounds which may regulate and balance key hormones essential to reproductive health, energy production and sexual desire.
Studies on men have demonstrated the benefits of maca root for improving semen concentration and motility, increasing sexual desire by taking maca extract (one RCT showed this was successful, but more research needs to be conducted).
Maca root can also increase female libido, according to studies with mice; an earlier 2019 research paper indicated increased sperm count and motility; however human studies are limited at best.
6. Coenzyme Q10:
CoQ10 is an effective antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress and shield sperm against oxidation. Furthermore, CoQ10 promotes normal sperm morphology and motility.
Recent research involved giving participants with idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia either 200 mg or 400 mg of CoQ10 daily for three months; researchers found both doses increased concentration, progressive motility, and sperm morphology improvement; however, those given the higher dosage experienced more significant results.
The authors noted that improvements in sperm parameters were due to an increase in seminal plasma CoQ10 levels and reduction of oxidative stress markers such as catalase (CAT, SOD) and total reactive herbal sex medicine (ROS).