Low sperm count can often be linked to lifestyle choices like smoking, alcohol abuse and certain medications; additionally dietary habits may influence fertility in men.
Diets rich in Vitamin D and calcium can help increase sperm count. Ashwagandha, an ancient Ayurvedic herb, has also been shown to improve motility and morphology of sperm.

Tribulus Power Pack:
The Tribulus Power Pack contains an assortment of herbs designed to reduce premature ejaculation and enhance sperm count and quality, as well as boost energy, strength and stamina in men while relieving stress and fatigue. Furthermore, these herbs are beneficial for prostate health.
Tribulus terrestris, an Ayurvedic herb, is widely regarded as an effective natural aphrodisiac that can increase men's libido. Additionally, it has been shown to raise testosterone levels and prevent erectile dysfunction, while encouraging urination by inhibiting calcium compounds that form kidney stones and encouraging urine production. Tribulus terrestris also has antifungal properties and may help relieve inflammation - making it effective against both urethral inflammation and fibrocystic tumors.
Zinc is an essential fertility nutrient as it aids sperm production and motility. Additionally, zinc helps prevent DNA damage in sperm cells which could contribute to infertility. Zinc can be found in many foods such as whole grains, legumes, nuts seeds avocados as well as those high in folic acid content such as liver broccoli spinach flax seeds which all help enhance sperm quality.
Ashwagandha has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to promote overall health and protect against disease. Rich in antioxidants, it has long been shown to boost sperm count and motility while supporting testosterone production for fertility - you can find ashwagandha supplements like Care/of's Ashwagandha Capsules for example.
Shilajit, an Ayurvedic herb, has long been utilized to increase male vitality and strength. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at improving low libido, early ejaculation and erectile dysfunction while providing immunity support and improving sperm health and motility - you can find Shilajit capsules here from Planet Ayurveda's Male Support Pack or even individually in Akseer e kiram!
Shilajit Herbal Capsules:
Shilajit is one of the best herbs to increase sperm count and enhance overall sexual health, according to Ayurveda. Shilajit can stimulate sperm production and raise counts up to 62% with regular consumption; regular doses also aid against impotency and other male reproductive problems.
Shilajit, commonly referred to as mineral pitch or black asphaltum, can be found throughout Himalayan and Tibet mountains. As temperatures in these mountain ranges increase, its viscous form seeps out of crevices to provide health benefits; specifically fulvic acid.
Fulvic acid is essential to human health, helping the body absorb nutrients more easily and strengthen immunity. Fulvic acid also protects against free radical damage and facilitates detoxification; some researchers even credit its anti-aging and cognitive-enhancing properties with aiding cognitive enhancement. Likewise, Shilajit may help treat chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), an extreme state of tiredness caused by impaired mitochondrial function - studies show shilajit can alleviate its symptoms through improving mitochondrial performance.
When selecting a shilajit product, keep quality and purity of its ingredients top of mind. Search for products tested for heavy metals and contaminants as well as ones with specified fulvic acid contents - remembering that shilajit may interact with medications used to slow blood clotting.
Shilajit can be an extremely effective aphrodisiac, but care must be taken when using it. Overdoing it may result in dehydration and digestive issues; any herbal supplements could be compromised by combining with too much shilajit. Furthermore, taking too much may lower blood pressure and cause cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid using it due to possible risks involved.
Tribulus Terrestris:
Tribulus Terrestris, commonly referred to as Gokshura is a herbal remedy used to enhance male fertility by increasing both sperm count and motility. Native to Asia and utilized in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Gokshura contains saponins that may improve libido, support testosterone levels and boost production and motility of sperm production and motility - recent research showed an extract significantly increasing progressive motile sperm after 60 to 120 minutes of exposure.
Tribulus may provide an aphrodisiac effect due to its high content of steroidal saponins and protodioscin. Furthermore, this plant's effects are further compounded by increasing motility and morphology of sperm.
Studies indicate that tribulus extract may help treat erectile dysfunction among men with low sperm counts (hypogonadism) by increasing sperm motility, morphology and semen volume.
Furthermore, it has shown promise in treating chest pain (angina) by decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels while simultaneously helping with chest pain treatment and angina analgesia relief. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties help manage conditions like rheumatoid arthritis by blocking production of pro-inflammatory chemicals as well as decreasing pain symptoms including pain swelling fever intensity.
Ginseng, a root vegetable, has long been used for various health conditions including stress relief and sexual desire enhancement. Its ability to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce hormones which increase testosterone production as well as motility and morphology of sperm can contribute to its effectiveness as an aphrodisiac agent; more research needs to be conducted before this claim can be verified; additionally it's an antioxidant which protects sperm cells against damage from oxidation damage.
Ashwagandha or "Indian Ginseng", commonly used as Ayurvedic remedy for mood and mental health enhancement as an Aphrodisiac agent that acts similarly on increasing motility of sperm motility as well as its potency against oxidation damage is due to stimulating pituitary gland secreting testosterone secretions as an Aphrodisiac remedy while its Aphrodisiac properties include potency antioxidant protection against damage by protecting pituitary gland secretions that produce hormones which produce testosterone production as well. Ashwagandha plant, commonly referred to as Indian Gineng is another Ayurvedic remedy with many reported benefits that helps enhance mood as well as mental health benefits; however further research needs be performed into its ability aphrodisiac properties related to increased sperm motility; more research must also occur within its cells as an Aphrodisiac properties linked with increasing motility aphrodisiac properties while acting against oxidation damage caused by its stimulating pituitary gland production while acting on pituitary gland secreting hormone production which produces hormones are produced as potent antioxidant that could prevent damage occurring which enhance mental and mental health benefits offered in Ayrvedic remedies are offered as Aphrodandha is considered
Aphrodiac properties such as Indian Gineng is seen being investigated on its anti ac properties associated with inhibits and can protect oxidation that too; its effectiveness as being seen related ac laboob e kabeer ajmali due to stimulating pitu sperm motility while increasing production by stimulating pituiav production further research will ensure it produces more efficiently which then later producing more testosterone production thus increasing testosterone production which boost sper asexually through inhibits. Both Aphrodiaca due to antioxidation as being considered being more antioxidant which aiding mental benefits which as.
Maca is another herb that may help increase male sperm count, and motility. Studies conducted over 12 weeks showed an increase in volume by 9 percent and normalized morphology by 21 percent - all results achievable using Care/of's maca supplements as capsules.