Nutmeg has long been used to increase libido. A 50% ethanolic extract of nutmeg has been shown to significantly increase Mounting Frequency and Intromission Frequency during mating behaviour tests conducted post-genital anesthesia.
It has nervine properties, potentially increasing sexual arousal and treating Surat-e-Inzal. Furthermore, it delays ejaculation and increases semen density while treating sexual weakness post coitus.

Unani medicine enhances vigour and vitality by strengthening the heart, brain, liver, and stomach. Furthermore, it serves as an excellent aphrodisiac that can help men overcome sexual weakness, impotence or low libido.
Furthermore, this herbal preparation protects natural body heat as well as diminishing fainting episodes or syncope episodes; and finally it also contains volatile components of several drugs to make up its light yellow hued liquid form.
Premature Ejaculation is a serious sexual health concern for men that can have significant impacts on relationships, self-esteem and quality of life. Luckily, this condition can be treated holistically using diet changes, pelvic floor exercises and regular physical activity - as well as communication with healthcare providers to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatments.
This herbal remedy utilizes an array of herbs to improve male stamina and address the root cause of premature ejaculation. Key components include Tukhm Hanzal's nervine properties which may aid in strengthening of nervous systems; Behman Surkh promotes virility while Behman Surkh enhances sexual potency; Konch contains L-DOPA which regulates nervous systems while decreasing tachycardia while increasing blood flow - two essential ingredients!
Majoon-e-Piyaz is an herbal remedy used to address male sexual health concerns such as low sperm count, premature ejaculation and low sexual vitality. Formulated using natural herbs and nutrients that boost fertility, immunity and sexual desire - and help men gain better control of ejaculation while prolonging intimacy. Adults should consume one or two teaspoons daily with milk or water; women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid using this medicine.
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is one of the most prevalent male sexual disorders, and affects 25-40% of the global population. This condition can have serious emotional and psychological ramifications for patients as well as their partners, compromising work performance and ajmal herbal medicine for sexually long time. Modern medicine offers several treatment options for PE including SSRIs and LAAs - though these medications were not designed with this condition specifically in mind and could result in side effects that worsen it further.
Unani medicines like Majun Arad Khurma, Saffron (khulanjan), Phaladi (maghze khurma), Corylus Avellana (maghze Funduq) and Pinus Gerardiana (Maghze Chilghoza) have proven successful at treating PE.
These herbs boast both aphrodisiac properties as well as being spermatogenic; therefore making the perfect for treatment of PE. Furthermore, these medicines also reduce emissions at night and seminal debility while offering antioxidant, antihypertensive, nervine tonic and antiseptic properties as well as being effective treatments.
Majoon-e-Rasool is an herbal unani medicine designed to promote sexual wellness by increasing libido and combatting premature ejaculation (Surat-e-Inzal). The natural herbs found within its formulation help increase blood flow to the penis, expanding sponge-like erectile tissue length and thickness, as well as improve sexual stamina and orgasms - it is one of the most sought after natural aphrodisiacs for men!
Premature ejaculation can be caused by various factors, including stress and certain foods. Thankfully, there are natural remedies available to you that may help combat premature ejaculation and boost libido. Unani medicine has long been recognized for treating Surat-e-Inzal (intimacy disorders). Unani utilizes various herbs to address symptoms of early ejaculation safely for most unani treatment for premature ejaculation.
Majoon Halaila has long been touted in classical Unani literature as being stomachic 1,2, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, appetite stimulant, digestive, cephalic tonic, memory enhancer, laxative deobstruent hemostatic and anti-aging. Comprised of 10 ingredients such as Kundur, Balaila Khukkhali Filfil Siyah; Tukme Kasni and Gule Surkh using their muqawwie Dimagh30 property help liquify Ghaleez Madda;
Recently, we demonstrated that an aqueous suspension of Majoon Ushba can stop the progression of arthritis in rats exposed to adjuvant-induced arthritis through modulation of NF-kB and MAPK signaling pathways. Unfortunately, its exact therapeutic mechanism remains unknown.
Unani medicine, founded on principles of balance and harmony, provides a holistic solution for premature ejaculation. By targeting imbalances in humoral composition of the body and helping restore physical strength and emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, this safe alternative provides safe alternatives to synthetic medications which may have serious side men's health medicine.
Premature ejaculation can have devastating repercussions in one's life, including relationships and self-esteem issues. Therefore, treating its root cause early is of vital importance if more serious issues emerge later. Traditional treatments for premature ejaculation include diet changes, herbal supplements and nutool techniques; however these approaches often do not address what lies at its heart - an imbalance of humors.
Traditionarily, ancient Unani physicians employed various single and compound Unani medicines to address this problem. Such remedies would nourish reproductive organs while increasing sperm count; boost libido and provide relief from sexual disorders; delay ejaculation during sexual encounters or help men maintain an erection during sexual encounters - these were all part of traditional Unani medical practice!
Herbal Unani medicines are well-known for their powerful natural aphrodisiacs that enhance sexual pleasure and performance, as well as being highly effective at preventing PE and other sexual disorders. Furthermore, these remedies contain life-enhancing herbs to promote healthy blood flow to the penis while reducing inflammation - all without adverse side effects or any unexpected surprises!