Erectile dysfunction is a very prevalent problem for men. While medications can help, many also carry unwanted side effects.
Some natural herbs can provide significant assistance. They may increase libido, reduce stress levels and enhance performance - and are safer alternatives than prescription drugs. Ashwagandha is one such herbal medication.

1. Ashwagandha:
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb which increases testosterone levels, lowers blood sugar, increases energy and stamina, improves cognitive function, reduces anxiety, improves sleep quality and relieves stress. It may also bolster immunity - however if you have autoimmune diseases such as Lupus or type 1 diabetes it should be avoided as this could aggravate those symptoms further.
Ashwagandha can be consumed as supplement pills or powders. A scientific study demonstrated that treatment with ashwagandha root extract increased sperm count, semen volume and motility among men with low sperm counts while decreasing reactive oxygen species levels linked with oxidative damage and diminished fertility.
2. Ginkgo Biloba:
Ginkgo Biloba, commonly referred to as the maidenhair tree or Terophylla salisburiensis, is one of the world's oldest living trees and considered an "old fossil." The leaf extract contains flavonoids and terpenoids which may act as antioxidants by helping reduce free radical damage to cells, nerves, and DNA. Ginkgo Biloba extract is often used in herbal medicine or sold as supplements.
Ginkgo leaf extract has been shown to aid blood flow by dilatarnting arteries and decreasing platelet stickiness, while also inhibiting formation of B-Amyloid, an Alzheimer's-linked protein found in plaques and amyloid deposits associated with Akseer e kiram.
3. Himalaya Speman Tablets:
Himalaya Speman Tablets are an ayurvedic medicine designed to support male reproductive health by potentially increasing sperm production and motility. This medicine contains herbal ingredients such as Hygrophila and Tribulus that have long been used to support men's reproductive wellbeing.
This herbal supplement can help treat sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction and low libido in men. Furthermore, it has also been found to prevent lower sperm counts while improving quality semen production.
Increased sperm motility and count are benefits to men with oligospermia. Furthermore, prostate health benefits as inflammation in testicles is reduced.
4. Mad Honey:
Mad honey is produced when bees collect nectar from Rhododendron flowers containing Grayanotoxin neurotoxins which have hallucinogenic effects when consumed in large doses.
Grayanotoxin bind to sodium ion channels and prevent them from closing, leading to more calcium entering cells and increasing neurotransmitter release - including more acetylcholine production - which results in the effects experienced when eating mad honey such as tingling sensation and euphoria. This phenomenon explains why those who consume mad honey experience such effects as described above, including tingling sensations and feelings of euphoria.
Honey is used by Nepal's Gurung and Kulung people as cough syrup, pain reliever and antiseptic medicine. Twice annually, honey hunters scale mountain peaks using ropes and bamboo ladders to harvest it from nests of giant Himalayan honeybees residing therein.
5. Yohimbe:
Yohimbe is an African herb used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. It may help increase blood flow to stimulate nerves that trigger sexual arousal, helping boost libido. Yohimbe may also assist with treating erectile dysfunction in men and low sex drive in women.
Yohimbe trees contain an alkaloid called yohimbine that is similar to pharmaceutical aphrodisiacs and stimulants; however, its natural supplement counterpart has less side effects than their prescription equivalents; typical side effects of taking Yohimbe include stomach issues, an irregular heartbeat (also known as Tachycardia) and anxiety.
6. Horny Goat Weed:
Horny goat weed got its name when a herder observed that his goats became more playful after grazing on this herbal libido booster for over 2000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a means to increase blood flow and treat erectile laboob e kabeer ajmali.
Horny Goat Weed can boost more than just your libido; its active component icariin may also help reduce fatigue and improve exercise performance. According to one study, this compound prevented bone loss among postmenopausal women while simultaneously increasing estrogen levels.
Horny goat weed may negatively influence both blood pressure and hormone levels, making it essential to avoid it if you suffer from low blood pressure or heart issues. Furthermore, this substance interacts with medications designed to decrease blood clotting such as aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), naproxen sodium (Advil/ Motrin), and heparin (Lovenox).
7. Lepidium Meyenii:
Lepidium meyenii, more commonly known as maca root or Peruvian ginseng, is an herb found in the Andes Mountains of central South America. A member of the Brassica family, this plant resembles radishes or turnips with fleshy hypocotyls fused to its taproot. Roots may be gold or yellow-colored with red, black and pink hues available as dietary supplements via capsules, pills, flour, liquor or extracts.
Maca has long been used as an aphrodisiac and research suggests it could help enhance sexual desire. One study discovered that maca supplements increased semen production and testosterone levels among men.