Men with low sperm counts may experience decreased semen counts of 15 million or fewer per milliliter, which can be managed with diet changes, lifestyle adjustments and natural remedies.
Avoiding processed meats and eating more fruits and vegetables may help increase sperm health, while taking supplements such as fenugreek, zinc, or L-carnitine could also be beneficial.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects cells in your body from oxidative stress, which damages sperm and reduces fertility. A study concluded that taking 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily for two months resulted in increased motility and doubled count sperm count as well as less damaged ones - both benefits that increase fertility.
Folic acid is another essential nutrient to ensure men's fertility. Many foods, including whole grains, beans and fruits contain this nutrient; additionally, avoiding products containing synthetic forms of estrogen such as bisphenol a can improve male fertility; while incorporating omega-3 fatty acids and zinc into one's diet will promote better sperm health.
Vitamin E, maca root and coenzyme Q10 can all help increase sperm count and motility. When taken with selenium it improves both motility and quality of sperm production, according to one study. Fenugreek seed supplement or food form was shown to enhance semen quality and count; additionally the amino acid D-aspartic acid can also enhance both measures.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin known to increase testosterone levels, helping increase sperm count. One study discovered that supplementation of 2,000 milligrams of vitamin D per day for two months increased motility by over 90% and doubled count while simultaneously decreasing deformed sperm count desi dawakhana
Vitamin E can also increase sperm count by protecting sperm cells from damage. One study demonstrated how when combined together, vitamins C and E significantly enhanced motility, morphology and genetic health in male sperm.
Folate is an essential B vitamin that plays an integral part in many bodily processes, from DNA synthesis and cell development, to reduced sperm count and motility; low levels can even decrease fertility! Supplementing may be beneficial in alleviating such symptoms.
Maca root (sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng) is an adaptogenic herb often used in Ayurved medicine for stress reduction and sexual wellbeing. A study showed that when men took maca supplements for 16 weeks, both their sperm volume and normal morphology increased significantly - you can take maca root either capsule-form or try Care/of's maca powder supplement for maximum effectiveness.
Maca root:
Maca root can be an effective supplement for both men and women who wish to increase their sperm count, particularly those in perimenopausal or menopausal stages. Furthermore, its side effects are rare and minimal.
Studies have demonstrated the many health benefits associated with maca, including increased libido and fertility, as well as healthy semen production. One randomized clinical trial demonstrated how maca significantly improved sperm motility for infertile men when administered 1.5 or 3.0 grams daily of maca for 12 weeks.
Another study published in 2020 demonstrated that daily doses of 2 grams of maca for 12 weeks significantly increased sperm concentration compared to placebo, though these findings should be considered preliminary.
Maca has also been shown to help reduce benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Before making changes to your routine with maca, consult an integrative health practitioner first so they can assess if it's appropriate and provide guidance regarding dosage. They may also suggest high-quality, organic products free from fillers and binders.
Coenzyme Q10:
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant found naturally in your body's cells that provides energy production while protecting from oxidative damage. Lipid-soluble CoQ10 molecules can be found in cell membranes where they attract electrons away from unstable atoms to protect from free radicals; studies have even indicated that CoQ10 supplements may improve sperm count and motility while combination treatments of vitamins C and E with CoQ10 could decrease DNA damage to sperm.
As many herbs/health supplements are unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they may contain harmful metals or ingredients. To safeguard yourself against this possibility, always consult a healthcare professional prior to taking an herbal/health supplement, and be sure to inform them about all medications or supplements you're currently taking.
While several small clinical trials have demonstrated positive results, no definitive solution has yet been reached regarding the optimal dose of CoQ10. Studies have used higher and lower dosages; additionally, different treatment durations were utilized by hakeem in pakistan.
D-aspartic acid:
D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an amino acid found in testicles and sperm cells, where it plays a key role in producing and releasing testosterone, helping increase sperm count and quality. Furthermore, D-aspartic acid acts as an antioxidant which may lower oxidative stress in the body.
One study demonstrated that taking D-aspartic acid for 90 days doubled sperm concentration and motility, leading to a higher pregnancy rate among partners of men who took this supplement. Therefore, fertility specialists advise before trying any new supplements that claim to boost testosterone levels; take only those shown effective in peer-reviewed, controlled studies.
D-aspartic acid can increase testosterone production, leading to an increase in muscle mass and improved sperm quality. However, too much D-aspartic acid can be dangerous; excessive doses could result in side effects like erectile dysfunction and best herbal products in pakistan.