Many medications can have an effect on sperm count, motility and morphology, including antiepilepsy medications such as carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine; antiretroviral like saquinavir; and some anti-inflammatory agents like sulfasalazine.
Dietary changes may also help boost sperm count. A diet high in vitamin C, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats may be especially effective.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG):
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), produced by the placenta during gestation, acts as an important pregnancy-related hormone that aids ovulation by stimulating final egg development and increasing testosterone and sperm production in testes. Your physician typically prescribes this medication through injections at home or office - our specialists may conduct regular blood tests to monitor your testosterone levels so we can make adjustments as necessary to your dosage plan.
HCG is structurally similar to Luteinizing Hormone (LH), one of the pituitary hormones responsible for inducing ovulation during a normal menstrual cycle. HCG can be used as part of fertility treatments to stimulate ovulation and release mature eggs for fertilization by sperm, while also increasing testosterone levels among men with lower testosterone levels and helping prevent ectopic pregnancies - where an embryo implants outside its intended site - for fertilization by stimulating LH in conjunction with HGH to induce ovulation during menstrual cycles.
Clomid is an extremely effective fertility drug that can help men suffering from low testosterone. An estrogen receptor blocker, it works by blocking estrogen in the testes to increase sperm count and motility - and is usually prescribed in pill form, though we also offer injection options or combinations with other fertility drugs such as hakim online.
Although effective at treating male infertility, this medication may cause side effects like hot flashes, headaches and fatigue; if these side effects continue, your physician may suggest alternative solutions.
Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG):
Men with severe Oligozoospermic and azoospermia often struggle to retrieve even one viable sperm for IVF or ICSI, making hormonal therapy indispensable. Studies have used clomiphene citrate to increase sperm count and quality; its use helps improve LH, TSH, and FSH blood levels which are necessary for production. It should be noted however that taking excessively large doses could have harmful side effects on ovarian tissues which could ultimately make ovulation less successful.
Mixed gonadotropin therapy may be an effective solution for these patients. HMG obtained from postmenopausal women can help replace LH deficiency while recombinant human FSH stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone; both medications may be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously as treatment options.
Hypothyroidism, another cause of male infertility, has a profoundly detrimental impact on both libido and sperm concentration (Abalovich et al, 1999). Thankfully, however, this problem can be successfully remedied with thyroid hormone replacement therapy; according to one study involving clinically manifested hypothyroidism having normal sperm concentration after receiving thyroid hormone replacement therapy (Jaya Kumar et al, 1990).
Ashwagandha root has been demonstrated to increase both sperm count and motility for men suffering from severe Oligozoospermic or azoospermia. The herb contains an amino acid known as acetylsalicylic acid which has been shown to stimulate gonadotropin secretion while simultaneously decreasing inflammation in the prostate gland and inhibiting testosterone synthesis while increasing concentrations of luteinizing hormone (Kadioglu et al, 1997).
Clomid is an oral medication commonly used to facilitate ovulation in women. Additionally, its effects can also increase sperm count in men with low testosterone levels by blocking estrogen production by the pituitary gland and stimulating it to produce more FSH and LH from this pituitary gland, leading to higher testosterone levels as well as better sperm morphology and motility.
Not only can a healthy diet help increase fertility, it can also promote better sperm health. Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene to support male fertility; walnuts boast folate, vitamin B6 selenium and omega 3 fatty acids which have all been proven to boost motility and shape of sperm motility and shape. Other food known to increase sperm count include cruciferous vegetables such as ashwagandha maca root zinc.
Midwest Reproductive Center fertility experts may offer quick fixes for barriers to conception, but it is essential for patients to realize that most cases will take time and fertility treatments to work. Dietary changes, Coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, fenugreek seed extract and D-AA supplements may all be beneficial in supporting men suffering from hormone-related low sperm counts or motility issues; in addition to taking these supplements they should avoid tobacco, excess alcohol, certain medications and soy products which contain hakeem herbal which could harm their sperm production.
Testosterone is the male sexual hormone produced in testicles. Men need it for producing sperm and normal sexual development during puberty. Over time, testosterone levels decrease naturally with age resulting in difficulty becoming pregnant; medications may help increase fertility by improving sperm counts and increasing fertility.
Men's health and diet can have a direct impact on their sperm count. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals is said to enhance sperm quality while cutting back on alcohol and tobacco is said to increase it further. Studies also demonstrate how moderate exercise, like weight-lifting and cardio, increases testosterone levels significantly.
Men can increase their sperm count through taking testosterone supplements. Testosterone therapy is often employed when trying to conceive children; TRT uses synthetic hormones that mimic natural production of testosterone in order to boost production and enhance unani medicine online.
Foods rich in sperm-friendly nutrients such as fish, nuts and fruits may help increase sperm count. Limiting processed meats, red meat and dairy may also aid the process.
Studies indicate that taking maca root daily for 12 weeks had positive results on self-reported improvements to erectile function as well as increased motility of sperm production; other studies suggest taking additional folate and zinc may increase sperm counts as well.