If you are having difficulty conceiving, NYU Langone urologists can offer assistance through medications designed to increase sperm count and motility as well as diet changes or supplement options.
Antioxidants protect sperm from damage caused by oxidation. According to one study, supplementing with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily doubled sperm counts and improved motility by 90%.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), is an herb commonly used as a culinary spice and in traditional healing systems like TCM and Ayurveda. The seeds and leaves contain diosgenin, an hormone-like compound which promotes testosterone production while increasing sperm quality, plus it boasts high amounts of calcium, dietary fiber and B vitamins - making fenugreek an important addition to any daily regimen.
A recent randomized, double-blind placebo controlled study discovered that taking 600 mg per day of FurosapTM's patented fenugreek extract had significant positive impacts on free and total testosterone levels among male participants as well as improved their sperm count, count morphology and sexual drive - while having no adverse reactions on blood chemistry.
Other sperm-boosting herbs like Ashwagandha and Tribulus terrestris have similar advantages, and should also be consumed or avoided to increase fertility. Avoiding heat exposure to the testicles also has benefits; testicles require temperatures 4 degrees below body temperature in order to produce sperm; more research must be conducted into how supplements affect sperm counts and quality; it's also wise to discuss taking such hakeem herbal with your healthcare provider as some can interact with specific medications.
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is an antioxidant with powerful anti-redox capabilities that can protect sperm from ROS-induced damage. Studies have revealed that supplementing with this nutrient leads to an increase in both sperm count and motility; additionally it prevents agglutination while improving normal morphology of the sperm cells. Other antioxidants that may also provide assistance include Lycopene, Omega 3 fatty acids, carnitine glutathione N-acetyl cysteine selenium and Vitamin E.
Tribulus terrestris, an all-natural aphrodisiac, may also serve as a powerful sperm increaser medicine. A study showed it significantly improved both concentration and motility of male sperm after 12 weeks of supplementation with this natural remedy. Maca root powder, another natural aphrodisiac, has also shown to significantly boost male sperm counts after supplementation for 12 weeks.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C and zinc are vitally important for fertility. According to one study, low levels of these nutrients were linked with poor sperm morphology and genetic health, as evidenced by low sperm counts and testosterone levels; zinc supplements have also been proven to boost sperm count while vitamin C reduces DNA damage in sperm. Adding these essential antioxidants into your diet by eating dark chocolate, berries or green vegetables is recommended.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D plays an essential role in our bodies, including helping protect us against disease and regulating hormone levels. It's also thought to improve sperm quality by decreasing oxidative stress levels - taking supplements or eating foods rich in Vitamin D like fish can all provide great sources of this essential nutrient.
One study demonstrated that men with low sperm counts who took vitamin D supplements for two months experienced their count, motility and morphology all increasing, with less deformed cells present than before taking the vitamins.
Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C is another great way to promote sperm health and fertility in men, as this antioxidant can prevent oxidative damage and boost fertility by increasing testosterone and decreasing estrogen levels. Broccoli, blueberries and kale are good examples of foods high in Vitamin C; you should avoid those treated with pesticides because they contain xenoestrogens which mimic natural estrogen production within the body and can lower sperm counts.
Supplements that contain Vitamin D, selenium and Coenzyme Q10 may also help, though it's best to consult a healthcare professional first before unani medicine online.
Coenzyme Q10:
Coenzyme Q10 is an important natural compound found in our bodies that converts food to energy while acting as an antioxidant, as well as being essential for cell function - particularly those cells requiring high amounts of energy, such as sperm and eggs. Furthermore, Coenzyme Q10 helps protect against oxidative stress which could otherwise negatively impact fertility.
Studies have demonstrated that supplementing with CoQ10 improves semen parameters in men with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia due to its impact on decreasing oxidative stress. Gvozdjakova et al conducted an experiment where 40 men with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia were given an antioxidant therapy including ubiquinol, carnitine and vitamins C & E for 3 and 6 month trials; after 6 month trials total sperm count had increased significantly while levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (which measures oxidative stress) had decreased significantly - all factors indicated positive.
Unfortunately, only a minority of studies involving CoQ10 have been randomized controlled; thus it remains unknown whether this treatment option is truly the most suitable solution to idiopathic male infertility. Furthermore, various lifestyle factors can alter sperm quality; so before beginning supplementation treatments it is crucial to fully understand your own fertility health before commencing one.
D-aspartic acid:
D-aspartic acid, commonly found in tissues and cells such as testicles, has a multitude of uses within neuroendocrine function - including secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prolactin and luteinizing hormone (LH). By binding with NMDA receptors it may influence neuroendocrine functions including secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prolactin and LH.
Research on maca root powder suggests it can increase testosterone levels for some men, as well as increasing motility and production, though few studies are available to support its efficacy in doing this. It can be combined with other sperm-enhancing ingredients, like maca root powder - an herb known to traditionally increase libido while simultaneously providing plenty of antioxidants - to further enhance production of sperm cells after 12 weeks use.
Ashwagandha, another essential ingredient, increases beneficial hormones that promote sperm production, helping men with asthenozoospermia improve both count and motility after three months of supplementation. Furthermore, its anti-aging properties help combat testicular stress as well as help protect them against pakistani hakeem medicine.