Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a multifaceted condition with many possible triggers, from physical illnesses like kidney stones or prostate infections to psychological issues like performance anxiety.
Herbal treatments of sexual strength issues may provide an effective solution. Compared with prescription medications, herbal treatments tend to be more affordable and have fewer side effects.

Ginkgo biloba:
Ginkgo biloba is an herb with flavonoids and terpenoids - antioxidant nutrients which protect cells against free radical damage caused by free radicals, improve blood flow and boost energy production within cells. As such, ginkgo has long been used to treat memory problems, tinnitus as well as various other medical conditions.
Studies of Ginkgo biloba in women with sexual arousal disorders indicate some positive benefits; however, research quality is low and additional investigation must take place to fully assess its effect on sexual function.
Ginkgo biloba can interact with certain herbal supplements and medications, particularly those that affect blood clotting or seizures, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid taking this product and it should never be used during this stage of gestation or breastfeeding.
Also important: it's wise to inform your healthcare providers of any complementary or integrative health approaches you use so they can advise you regarding safety precautions associated herbal medicine for nerve pain.
Maca is an ancient Andean plant used for generations as food and medicine by local populations there, while now being sold at health food stores with claims it increases libido and fertility; however, evidence does not support such claims.
Studies suggest that maca may increase sexual desire and reduce erectile dysfunction among men; however, larger randomized controlled trials must be completed before this can be confirmed. Furthermore, maca has also been reported to increase semen quality and alleviate symptoms associated with menopause in women.
Studies of maca have demonstrated various beneficial effects, including neuroprotection, anabolic properties, antioxidative activity and hepatoprotection. Although the evidence provided from these studies may be limited in strength due to varied study designs, doses, treatment durations and results, their findings provide invaluable insight into its potential as an adaptogenic herb that offers multiple health advantages for human wellbeing.
Asians have revered ginseng's root for centuries as a powerful medicinal plant. Now researchers know that its use enhances sexual function for older men and women alike - particularly men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). Ginsenosides pharmacologically active compounds help open blood arteries carrying blood into genital areas to increase erections while simultaneously improving self-lubrication and clitoral sensitivity in women.
Ginseng can increase testosterone levels for those suffering from low levels, helping prevent lack of desire, erectile dysfunction and poor quality herbal treatment for high cholesterol.
One study gave 119 men with mild to moderate ED either placebo or Korean red ginseng (KRG), and after eight weeks those taking KRG reported better sexual function than those given the placebo; they also experienced significantly stronger erections; additionally they reported greater satisfaction with intercourse via responses on two specially created questionnaires.
Muira puama:
Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is an Amazon rainforest plant with therapeutic value, boasting alkaloids and diterpenoids that may benefit human bodies. Furthermore, this aphrodisiac also improves blood circulation.
While studies on the effects of Muira Puama are limited, many users report increased libido and arousal from taking this supplement. It should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice.
Muira puama offers other advantages, including cognitive support and digestion improvement, stress relief and improving mood calming properties, anti-age properties and even anti-oxidant benefits.
Muira puama should only be consumed by adults as it poses few side effects; however, children and pregnant women should not consume this herb, nor those suffering from hormone-sensitive conditions. Please remember this information is solely educational in nature and should not replace professional medical advice; for any concerns related to your health please seek professional medical advice prior to using any majun for low sperm count.