Many factors can affect sperm count and motility. These include a poor diet, smoking and consuming excess alcohol. Certain prescription drugs can also lower sperm counts. For couples with low sperm motility, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be an option.
Some vitamins and supplements can help increase sperm motility. For example, ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) has been shown to improve sperm count and motility in men.

Clomiphene citrate:
Clomiphene citrate is an anti-estrogen that blocks estrogen from binding to its receptors. It is used to induce ovulation in females by inhibiting estrogen-like effects of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, leading to increased production of the gonadotropins FSH and LH, which are necessary for ovulation. It also increases sperm concentration and motility. In some men with azoospermia, clomiphene citrate can help restore sperm concentration and increase fertility rates.
Although clomiphene citrate is FDA-approved for use in women, doctors can choose to prescribe it off-label for males suffering from low sperm counts or poor motility. This is especially true when the cause of the azoospermia is not otherwise explained by medical history or examination. This medication may be prescribed to increase the chance of successful in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
The recommended dosage is 50 mg per day taken orally for 25 days and then off for 5 days. Patients should be monitored using a urinary LH test to detect an LH surge, and they should have intercourse on the day of the peak and the natural treatment for stomach pain.
Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject:
Gonal-F RFF Redi-ject is a medicine that helps women develop multiple follicles in the ovaries and increases sperm count and motility. It can also be used for induction of ovulation in functional an ovulatory infertility not due to primary ovarian failure and for development of follicles as part of assisted reproductive technology (ART). The drug is available as a pre-filled pen-like device with a dose display window. Women should use the device according to the prescription and instruction sheet provided by their doctor.
This medication is given by injection under the skin. It is usually given in a hospital or clinic by a health care professional who has experience managing fertility disorders. It can also be given at home if your doctor has trained you to do so. Before using this medicine, make sure you wash your hands and prepare a clean work area. You should also use a clean needle each time you inject. Always discard the used needles in a sharps container.
This medicine contains a compound known as follitropin alfa, which is similar to human follicle stimulating hormone. It is produced by recombinant DNA technology in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. The compound is a clear to slightly yellow solution in a disposable, single-patient-use pen for subcutaneous administration.
CHORAGON is a gonadotropin that stimulates the production of sex hormones in men and women. It helps with hypogonadism in men and prepares the ovaries for ovulation in women. It also treats prepubertal cryptorchidism (failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum) in boys. This medication is available in tablet form. It is used in conjunction with other treatments to increase sperm count and motility.
One of the most effective ways to improve sperm health is to consume a healthy diet. Several foods have been shown to increase sperm count, including vitamin C and antioxidants. In addition, consuming polyunsaturated fats can help with sperm count.
One study found that males with low sperm count who consumed omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids experienced improved sperm concentration and motility.
Another important factor is to avoid processed meats. These contain chemicals that interfere with the reproductive system. Additionally, many canned and plastic food products are coated with bisphenol A, a compound that acts like estrogen in the body and may reduce sperm count over time. Consuming fruits and vegetables, particularly those with high levels of vitamins C and E, can also help. A recent study also showed that unani medicine for gastric problem 18 walnuts per day improved sperm count.
Femara is a hormone therapy that works by stopping an enzyme called aromatase from working normally. It’s used to treat breast cancer in females who haven’t gone through menopause, and it has also been shown to help with male infertility.
Femara contains an active ingredient called letrozole. It’s a type of aromatase inhibitor and inhibits the production of estrogen by blocking estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland. This helps the pituitary gland produce more follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. This results in improved development, maturation, and release of an egg.
This medication is used to help women with ovulation problems or unexplained infertility get pregnant. It’s most effective when taken on cycle days 3 to 7. Women ovulate about 5 to 10 days after taking Femara. Doctors recommend using an ovulation predictor test to know when you’re about to ovulate.
Femara can interact with certain foods and medications, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about your diet and supplements before starting treatment. It’s also important to avoid breastfeeding while taking this drug because it can be harmful to the baby.
Gene therapy:
Gene therapy is a promising treatment that uses sections of DNA to treat disease caused by a faulty gene. The process involves delivering healthy genes to cells inside the body, which then replace or inactivate the mutated gene. The most common technique for delivering genes to cells is by using modified viruses.
Popular viruses for gene therapy include adeno-associated virus and lentiviruses.
Scientists also use gene therapy to modify cells to become stem cells, which can then transform into all types of specialized cells in the body. This technique can be used to treat many diseases, including leukemia and lymphoma. However, there are still a number of challenges to overcome before gene therapy can be widely used.
This proof-of-concept study demonstrates that AAV-mediated gene therapy recovers testosterone production, restarts sexual development, rescues spermatogenesis, and restores fertility in mice with Leydig cell failure. Testicular phenotypes of the AAV8-Lhcgr-injected Lhcgr-deficient mice resemble those observed in DCAF17 knockout testes, suggesting that Cul4a and Cul4b collaborate with DCAF17 to regulate spermatogenesis via the ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation pathway. These findings suggest that genetically engineered stem cells could be a valuable treatment for male hakim online.