If your sperm count or motility are low, there are multiple methods of improving fertility. Clomid can help treat female infertility while Gonal-F RFF Redi-Jtt (follitropin alfa) injections can provide hormonal assistance.
Folate is a natural vitamin B9 found in dark leafy vegetables and fruits that may help increase sperm count and motility. Supplementing with antioxidants like CoQ10, vitamins C and fenugreek may also be beneficial.

Clomiphene Citrate:
Clomiphene Citrate is a medication prescribed to women suffering from infertility. Additionally, however, studies have also demonstrated its ability to increase sperm count and motility among male patients as well. Clomiphene works by targeting hormone imbalances that impair fertility; when used alongside other therapies it increases chances of successful pregnancy and helps improve chances for successful pregnancies.
This medication is an FDA-approved nonsteroidal ovulation stimulant approved to induce ovulation in women suffering from unexplained infertility. It works by binding to estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, stimulating them to secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) for inducing ovulation.
Clomiphene citrate can be prescribed off-label to treat male infertility, and multiple studies have been performed to assess its efficacy. These have included comparison of data such as sperm parameters, pregnancy rates and hypogonadism among men treated with this medication.
Success of Clomiphene Citrate for male fertility treatment depends heavily on dosage and duration, so it's crucial that you closely adhere to your doctor's instructions in order to achieve maximum benefits from taking the herbal medicine for timing.
Common side effects may include hot flashes or irritability that can usually be managed with over-the-counter medicines; furthermore it's vital that any lifestyle factors which might impede treatment are discussed with them first.
Hormonal treatments may help men with low sperm counts and motility improve their condition, including treatments such as FSH or HCG to increase testosterone production in the testes, leading to higher-quality sperm production. Furthermore, such drugs are used for men suffering from severe production issues, including those who experience azoospermia (zero sperm in semen).
Other natural and dietary treatments may help increase sperm count and motility, such as high-quality omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin C supplements, as well as Vitamin D and calcium supplements; research has established a correlation between higher blood levels of these vitamins and better semen quality measures or fertility outcomes.
Diets high in antioxidant-rich and polyunsaturated fat-rich foods have also been proven to benefit male sperm health, according to one study where men who consumed these types of food saw their sperm motility increase after 16 weeks.
Regular aerobic activity has been shown to promote healthier semen and greater fertility outcomes, according to a 2017 study. Men leading sedentary lifestyles had significantly lower sperm counts and motility than those who engaged in activity; aim for three or more 50-minute sessions of physical activity every week if possible.
Antibiotic medications may negatively impact sperm, though their severity will depend on both the antibiotic chosen and how long it's taken. Some antibiotics such as the tetracyclines (doxycycline and tetracycline) have permanent impacts due to killing rapidly dividing cells sperm consists of.
On a positive note though, your sperm count should recover once these medications have been discontinued.
Other antibiotics such as nitrofurantoin can impede sperm production and lead to decreased motility, while Ketoconazole, an antifungal medication, was recently found to affect male fertility as well. While it would be ideal to avoid taking these antibiotics altogether, if any must be taken they should be discontinued as soon as possible for best results.
Notably, even common pain relievers like ibuprofen can have an adverse impact on sperm count if taken for extended periods. However, once discontinued use has concluded your sperm counts should return to normal and your fertility should return as sperm increase medicine.
Chemotherapy treatments, however, have more long-term ramifications on sperm cells; therefore it's wise for anyone who has received cancer therapy to wait at least a couple months before engaging in fertility treatments or trying to become pregnant as it gives the sperm cells time to regenerate before trying for conception.
Lifestyle Changes:
Studies have demonstrated the power of diet and lifestyle modifications to dramatically enhance sperm health. Men who consume more plant-based whole foods such as green leafy vegetables, beans (legumes) and nuts tend to have greater concentrations of sperm cells; furthermore these foods contain antioxidants such as folate, zinc selenium vitamin E lycopene essential for creating motile and morphologically healthy sperm cells.
The Western diet, consisting of processed meats, refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and trans fats has been linked with lower sperm quality. Reducing these intakes could significantly improve sperm count and motility along with other measures of semen quality.
Smoking can significantly decrease sperm count and motility. Male smokers should aim to quit or at least reduce the amount of cigarettes they smoke, while other medications such as antibiotics and certain psychiatric treatments could interfere with healthy sperm production; in such instances it's wise for them to speak to their physician regarding ways of decreasing or discontinuing use.
Overheating of the scrotum can severely limit sperm production. A man can prevent this by wearing loose-fitting underwear, avoiding saunas and hot tubs, and limiting exposure time for hot objects. Certain cancer therapies, including chemotherapy and radiation treatments may also have adverse impacts on sperm health; men who have undergone these therapies should consult with their doctors about how best they may recover their herbal medicine for premature ejaculation.