Diet is the key to increasing sperm count and motility, so a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats should be consumed to increase sperm count and motility. Processed meat should also be avoided.
Certain medications, particularly sedatives and antidepressants, have the ability to lower sperm counts. Recovery typically takes two or three months.

Clomiphene Citrate:
Clomid, better known by its brand name Clomiphene citrate, is a fertility drug designed to increase sperm count and motility for males. It works by binding to estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and blocking their effects - this release of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone is what triggers ovulation for women and production of sperm production in men.
Female infertility treatments such as ovulatory dysfunction or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) often call for medication that increases testosterone, in order to increase sperm count and motility and thus aid conception. But male infertility caused by low testosterone levels can also benefit from its use, due to an increase in testosterone production through this drug increasing male fertility rates and motility.
This medication is only available with a valid medical prescription and should only be taken under medical advice. Any misuse could have serious side effects that interfere with fertility; its misuse can even increase risks. When combined with other fertility treatments such as intrauterine herbal medicine for timing or in vitro fertilization, this medicine can help couples conceive successfully.
Clomiphene citrate can be an effective choice for men who experience mild sperm abnormalities, including reduced count or motility, as well as unexplained infertility. To be effective, follow your physician's advice regarding timed intercourse as well as maintaining regular semen analysis to monitor its impact on sperm quality.
Hormones play an essential role in the formation and functioning of sperm cells. Any disruption in their production can result in decreased count and motility of sperm, potentially due to glandular conditions like low pituitary output of LH and FSH or production within testicles.
Studies have demonstrated the correlations between levels of sex hormones such as LH, FSH and TTH and sperm count, motility and morphology; but their associations tend to be weak or inconsistent and other factors like age, body mass index smoking or alcohol consumption can play a part. Further functional research should also investigate their individual effects.
Not only do sex hormones impact sperm health; certain vitamins and minerals can as well. A diet high in polyunsaturated fats has been found to increase motility and count. While trans fatty acids should be limited for better quality.
Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to low sperm counts; taking supplements or eating fortified milk may help correct this deficiency. Various lifestyle changes can also improve sperm health such as moderate exercise, avoiding tobacco and excessive drinking habits as well as taking antioxidants like omega-3 fatty acids or ashwagandha.
Men with low sperm counts often suffer from infections that inhibit production and block the passage of sperm, interfering with production and leading to decreased concentrations. Antibiotic treatments often prove effective at eliminating infections and improving concentration.
Other medications may also have an effect on sperm production. Chemotherapy drugs kill rapidly dividing cells such as sperm cells, so cancer patients often find no sperm present after chemotherapy treatment. Oral contraceptives and certain prescription drugs may also lower sperm counts significantly.
Some studies have discovered that certain antibiotics can have negative impacts on sperm, but their effects are typically short-lived; the lifecycle of sperm lasts approximately 90 days; once you stop taking antibiotics or complete treatment for any medical issue, positive impacts should become visible within a herbal medicine for low sperm count.
Make sure your doctor knows about any health conditions or medications you're taking, particularly any natural or herbal products, since many don't undergo as rigorous testing as pharmaceutical medications do. Doing so could result in unexpected reactions.
Altering lifestyle habits and adopting a nutritious diet are also proven ways to increase sperm count. Smoking, excessive drinking, recreational drugs and any food high in proteins or fatty acids will only hinder this goal.
Gene Therapy:
Genetic and epigenetic factors play an important role in many crucial sperm parameters not evaluated through routine semen analysis, including counts, motility and morphology. They may also influence competence - the measure of an sperm's ability to fertilize an egg and lead to viable embryo development.
Gene therapy employs viruses to introduce healthy genes into cells and replace any that are missing, thus treating an illness with this treatment approach.
Although not new, gene therapy has long been utilized as an approach for other diseases. The challenge associated with gene therapy lies in finding an efficient method for getting its genes into cells while also minimizing any side effects and risks.
Studies indicate that reactive oxygen species (ROS) could be one of the underlying causes of low sperm count among men. ROS are reactive molecules composed of oxygen atoms which react quickly with other cell molecules; when their production exceeds antioxidant defense mechanisms in cells, ROS production leads to cell damage.
Sperm are susceptible to mitochondrial damage caused by oxidative damage that leads to lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress, impairing their ability to perform optimally and limiting maturation. Supplementing with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), vitamin E and L-Carnitine has shown promising results in improving count, motility and morphology for men with low fertility rates; furthermore folic acid combined with zinc was recently shown to increase count and best sex timing products in pakistan for those experiencing hormone-related sperm issues.