Anesthetic creams and sprays used to numb the head of the penis may reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation, while drugs like Cialis, Sildenafil (Viagra), and Vardenafil (Levitra) may help treat premature ejaculation due to underlying erectile dysfunction.
Certain antidepressants may help increase serotonin levels and delay orgasm; thus, these medications are sometimes prescribed off-label to treat this condition. Counseling or psychotherapy may be more suitable ways of identifying and addressing potential psychological, sexual or relationship issues that might be contributing to orgasm delays.

As soon as you notice premature ejaculation, the first step should be discussing it with your doctor. While it may be embarrassing, speaking with him/her is necessary in finding a solution tailored specifically to you. Your physician will ask about your sexual history and physical examination history as well as order blood tests to check for medical conditions that could be contributing to this issue.
Medication to treat an individual's condition can help decrease arousal, delay ejaculation, and enhance sexual satisfaction. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as paroxetine (Paxil), citalopram (Celexa), and sertraline (Zoloft), may be effective ways of increasing levels of the chemical that helps induce orgasm. A1-adreneceptor antagonists or A1ARBs may help increase how long it takes a man to ejaculate after having had sexual relations.
Applying topical anesthetics such as lidocaine (EMLA cream or spray) directly onto the head and shaft of the penis may reduce sensitivity and postpone ejaculation. Studies have also revealed that using daily dosages of sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil erectile dysfunction drugs - such as Viagra, Tadalafil (Cialis) or Levitra/Stendra - have improved symptoms while simultaneously increasing erections during desi dawakhana.
Psychological treatments such as sex therapy and counseling have proven more successful than medication alone in treating the causes of premature ejaculation. Couples therapy can assist couples in learning ways to communicate more effectively with one another, potentially decreasing stress and anxiety within their relationship.
Behavioral therapy:
Ejaculation that occurs consistently and frequently (lifelong premature ejaculation or acquired premature ejaculation) should generally be addressed using behavioral therapy and often improves with antidepressant medication such as SSRIs.
Behavioral therapy employs techniques that teach individuals to become more aware of the sensations leading up to climax and how to regulate them. Exercise such as the "squeeze method" - where either partner firmly squeezes the penis when approaching climax - can help slow or eliminate its onset. Squeezing may reduce an erection and ultimately delays its arrival at its target moment.
Psychological treatments also seem to help, such as thought distractors like visualizing nonsexual sequences while sexually stimulated and using names of businesses you pass while driving to your gym or players on your favorite team as prompts for thought distraction.
Some antidepressant medications have also been shown to assist in delaying ejaculation, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Celexa (Celexa), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Lexapro, Paroxetine or Sertraline. Clomipramine may also be taken off-label but has opioid-like side effects and could become addictive; nonselective beta-adrenergic blockers may be helpful but their efficacy remains uncertain.
Sex therapy:
Sex therapy aims to assist individuals in overcoming sexual dysfunction. Sessions of therapy involve helping the individual understand the nature of their issue, as well as teaching techniques to postpone orgasm such as squeezing the head of the penis or using stop-start methods in order to build tolerance of sensations.
Creams, lotions and sprays available over-the-counter or prescription can be used to decrease sensitivity while delaying orgasm; additional medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or nonselective beta-adrenergic blockers or Clomipramine may be taken in addition to these treatments.
Sex therapy can be done on an individual or couple-by-couple basis; however, couples are strongly advised to attend sessions together. Participation will allow both partners to better communicate about sex issues that could be contributing to your discomfort.
At sex therapy, you'll have the chance to explore emotional and psychological concerns related to sexuality in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. Furthermore, therapy gives you the chance to change thoughts or behaviors which contribute to the problem at hand.
Occasional premature ejaculation (PE) should not be seen as a significant health concern; however, persistent PE can cause distress, anxiety and psychological pain as well as diminished libido, depression and poor relationships. Treatment must begin promptly to avoid negative results and possible herbal products online pakistan.
Alternative medicine:
If a man is experiencing frequent episodes of premature ejaculation, consulting with a urologist may be beneficial. He or she can examine the patient and may suggest various treatment plans - both behavioral and medical approaches may be considered options.
Numbing creams or sprays may reduce sensation in the penis, increasing time before orgasm occurs. Behavioral techniques like squeeze and stop-start can also assist patients, teaching them more awareness of feelings that lead to orgasm and how to control them.
An antidepressant found to delay ejaculation may also be prescribed by your doctor, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine and paroxetine and tricyclic antidepressants such as clomipramine. Both types can help address this problem effectively and should be taken on either an as-needed or scheduled basis.
Behavioral therapy often includes thought distraction techniques to assist those experiencing anxiety or emotional problems that could trigger PE. Couples experiencing relationship difficulties that may cause PE can also find benefit in this type of therapy. Furthermore, pelvic floor exercises can strengthen both pens and pak herbal sex medicine to help prevent PE.