Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a sexual health issue with various causes. These can include medical conditions, relationship conflicts or alcohol misuse. There are various treatments available for PE including medications and sex therapy techniques.
If your PE stems from psychological or emotional problems, consulting a psychologist or couples therapist could be beneficial. Climax delay condoms containing numbing agents may also help postpone climax.

Ayurvedic medicine:
Ayurved medicine provides an integrative solution to the treatment of male sexual issues, including pre ejaculation. Pre ejaculation is an unfortunate yet prevalent issue for males that can have significant psychological and social ramifications, but Ayurveda provides several herbal remedies to combat it, helping reduce anxiety while increasing stamina; they also increase sperm count while decreasing chances of pre ejaculation.
Safed Musli and Kavach beej herbs have proven particularly successful at treating pre ejaculation: these natural aphrodisiacs have proven their abilities by increasing stamina while improving sperm count while decreasing chances of pre ejaculation; additionally they enhance immunity while helping combating prostate gland diseases that result from it all.
Relationship issues, stress and diet rich in unhealthy foods may all play a part in premature ejaculation for men, causing them to ejaculate earlier than planned during sexual encounter. When men lose focus during sexual interplay and begin ejaculating prematurely they may ejaculate prematurely before their intention is fulfilled.
According to Ayurved, excessive vata is responsible for this condition and should be addressed through diet and herbal medications that contain both aphrodisiacs and anxiety-relief properties - Deep Ayurveda's Shilajit Gold can help improve both male virility and energy while decreasing weakness.
Clinical evidence supports its efficacy in improving sexual function and alleviating anxiety for men. Furthermore, it helps build physical strength and stamina as well as supporting overall health medicine for nerve pain.
Chinese medicine:
If you are experiencing premature ejaculation issues, seeking treatment as soon as possible is critical to keeping it under control. Acupuncture can help restore normal sexual function and stop pre-ejaculation episodes while improving fertility outcomes and treating mental factors contributing to sexual issues.
Chinese medicine has a long and successful track record in treating PE. Traditional Chinese herbal medicine aims to restore hormonal equilibrium by treating its source, as well as decrease stress which is often the catalyst behind episodes of PE. With this approach, stronger, longer-lasting erections and fewer instances of PE could result.
Acupuncture may help relieve anxiety and depression associated with PE by activating the parasympathetic nervous system to relax your body, combined with herbs it may also decrease both frequency and severity of episodes of PE.
These herbs have proven very successful at treating PE by decreasing nervous system excitability. Pericardium zanthoxyli can also treat it by stopping protein precipitates from forming; while Yang Jinn has vasodilator properties. Syzygium aromaticum inhibits corpus cavernosum relaxation to prolong time between penetration and ejaculation - these constituents of Chinese prescription Shogun Yean Fang have proven clinically effective as treatment options.
Western medicine:
If you're living with PE, there are various treatments available. While medications and techniques might work for some, before embarking on any regimen of treatments it is wise to speak to your physician first and have them evaluate your sex life and relationships as well as any physical exams they might perform; additionally they will want to know whether PE has always been present or whether it has developed recently.
Your doctor may prescribe an SSRI to increase serotonin levels and help decrease PE, though side effects such as drowsiness and nausea may occur. Your doctor might also suggest tramadol (Ultram, Conzip or Qdolo).
Erectile dysfunction drugs like sildenafil citrate (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis, Adcirca) might provide additional aid; however, their efficacy won't apply to everyone and are rarely prescribed solely to treat PE - they often work better when taken alongside antidepressant medication like an SSRI.
Your doctor can also teach you how to perform pelvic floor exercises such as Kegel exercises that involve contracting and relaxing your muscles, known as Kegels. Kegel exercises have many health benefits including strengthening muscles and increasing nerve connections between them; additionally they may be beneficial in relieving urinary incontinence, bowel issues or erectile tablets for high cholesterol.
Natural remedies:
Premature ejaculation can be caused by anxiety and sexual trauma. But home remedies and techniques may help people overcome this condition, including supplements, over-the-counter products and sexual techniques such as yoga. They may also increase sexual satisfaction for both partners. It's best to consult a physician regarding possible issues that might be contributing to this condition.
Behavioral therapy may also assist with PE. One effective technique includes stimulating the penis just prior to orgasm and then stopping stimulation - this teaches people to recognize signs they're about to ejaculate, helping them control their erection more easily. Another option may be using topical anesthetics like lidocaine on an intermittent or daily basis for relief.
Another treatment option is taking an antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which increases serotonin levels in your brain to decrease urge to ejaculate. This approach may be particularly useful for people suffering from longstanding PE symptoms.
Other natural treatments for PE may include herbal medications and dietary adjustments. Zinc is an essential nutrient needed to support proper sexual function, while cayenne has also been known to increase blood flow to the penis, leading to improvements in sexual performance. Some studies have even demonstrated how taking phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors such as Viagra may aid with PE; this works best when combined with other herbs for low sperm count.