Your liver and kidneys naturally work to cleanse your blood, but adding natural blood cleansing herbs such as dandelion tea, rooibos tea, hibiscus tea or nettle tea to your diet may boost immunity and reduce risk for many diseases.

Dandelion root acts as a tonic to the system, cleansing blood, kidney, and liver as well as neutralizing any acids present. Furthermore, its stimulating bile production aids digestion and weight loss.
Emblica officinalis, commonly referred to as amla, is one of the premier natural blood purifiers. Studies have demonstrated its antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hyperglycemic properties [1]. Rich in antioxidants including ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids, tannins gallic acid and ellagic acid it boosts protein synthesis thus improving muscle strength and stamina as well as strengthening eyes against age related eye problems.
Major organs, including kidney, liver and lungs depend on having sufficient blood flow. Proper circulation means optimal transport of oxygen throughout the body - this is why herbs such as dandelion root, yellow dock and mullein are proven natural blood cleansing herbs.
Dandelion is an abundant source of vitamin A, providing essential support to both your immune system and bowel function. Furthermore, its rich supply of antioxidants works to neutralize free radicals which cause premature aging and disease.
Test-tube and animal studies suggest that dandelion may help protect skin against UV damage; however, further human research must be completed.
Roots and leaves of dandelion contain vitamins A, C and K as well as potassium, making it an excellent source of dietary supplements. In terms of health benefits, it has diuretic properties to increase urine production while decreasing water retention; furthermore it provides anti-swelling, antimicrobial and antifungal benefits as well as helping prevent vitamin K deficiency - crucial for bone health!
Holy Basil
Holy basil (commonly referred to as Tulsi or Ocimum sanctum) is an effective herbal solution to detox your blood and body organs such as liver and kidney through urine excretion.
Antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties provide detoxification benefits to the body. Furthermore, its nourishment of vital spirit (heart), promotion of cheerfulness and ability to process grief or fear contribute to kharish.
Studies indicate that holy basil may have stress-relieving, anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties; however, more intensive long-term studies are necessary to verify these claims. As with all herbal supplements (including holy basil), please consult your physician prior to using. It may interact with certain medications and potentially cause allergic reactions in some people.
Mulberries, small colorful fruits found on the Mulberry tree (Mores Alba), contain vitamin A and E that help prevent early greying of hair while simultaneously strengthening immunity and the digestive system.
Mulberry leaf extract has been shown to have antihyperglycaemic effects in animal studies. A single dose significantly decreased postprandial blood sugar levels among diabetic animals while prolonged consumption gradually restored near normal glucose excursion and glycaemic index values.
Mulberry fruit contains various carotenoid components such as lutein and zeaxanthin that help combat oxidative stress, decreasing your risk for eye diseases such as cataract and macular degeneration. Furthermore, this fruit provides ample amounts of Vitamin C which strengthens your immune system to provide protection from potential health threats.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle's antioxidant properties provide protection to the liver. It reduces oxidative stress by raising glutathione levels and activating liver detoxification enzymes; additionally it can regenerate and repair liver cells while increasing bile production.
Milk thistle's silymarin may help lower cholesterol in those living with diabetes, though research on its impact in nondiabetics is limited and unproven.
Milk thistle may interact with certain drugs, such as antipsychotics (butyrophenones and phenothiazines) as well as certain medications used to treat high blood pressure or seizures, so please consult your healthcare provider before taking it if you're taking these medicines. It could also interact with antibiotics, antidiabetic medications and hormone replacement therapy treatments.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is an aromatic succulent plant known for its healing properties. The polysaccharide gel Acemannan found within it can be used to detoxify both body and blood stream, as well as having anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering benefits.
Aloe vera can provide digestive comfort by improving bowel movement, relieving bloating and constipation and helping prevent diarrhea. These all play an integral part of detoxification; its rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and triterpenoid saponins all aid the body's ability to eliminate kharish ka ilaj.
Barbaloin and isobarbaloin, two C-glycosides found in aloe latex and gel products, are widely thought to induce laxation through various mechanisms in the large intestine. As these substances may also help lower cholesterol, these could also be responsible for many purported benefits associated with aloe latex and gel products.