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Accelerating Fertility: Medications to Increase Sperm Count and Motility

Writer: Elena CoraElena Cora

Low sperm count and motility can make conception more challenging, and timely egg fertilization requires swift action by the sperm to reach it quickly and correctly.

There may be medications available that can increase sperm count and motility, however it's essential that you consult your physician first before trying anything new. Lifestyle modifications may also prove helpful.


Diet can have an immense effect on sperm count. Eating healthy meals that include fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help increase fertility in men while omega-3 fatty acid-rich food may improve motility and antioxidant-rich items can also aid sperm health. Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to improving sperm count.

Medication may negatively affect sperm production and quality; therefore, it is wise to consult a doctor prior to discontinuing any prescribed medicines, including antidepressants or antibiotics that reduce production or illicit substances such as cocaine and marijuana that may also lower them. A physician can recommend lifestyle modifications or nutritional supplements in order to increase or restore sperm count or function.

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of consuming a low-fat, high-fiber diet in increasing sperm count and motility. A diet low in saturated and trans fat may also enhance motility; taking vitamin D, zinc, Coenzyme Q10 and folate supplements could be useful in supporting optimal sperm health; wearing loose underwear regularly while exercising to help increase scrotal temperature is another way of increasing motility; also, sitting or being exposed to hot tubs/saunas can negatively influence motility sperm count/motility relationships - maca root has been proven successful at increasing both counts/motility male health products!


Some hormones can aid in increasing sperm count. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulate testes to produce testosterone and sperm production; LH also encourages production in males with irregular or low semen production and may improve motility for these patients. Clomid (clomiphene citrate) may treat some causes of oligospermia while simultaneously increasing production.

High levels of oxidative stress damage sperm DNA and can result in infertility. Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E protect sperm and other cells from this oxidative stress. Studies have revealed that taking 1,000 mg daily of Vitamin C for two months increased both sperm count and motility among men with lower than average counts.

Avoiding foods high in Trans fats is another way to improve sperm health, since trans fats are found in many processed foods and may contribute to decreased sperm count.

Exercise also increases production; moderate exercise such as walking or cycling for 30 minutes each day for at least 30 days can improve motility and count. Smoking contributes to fertility issues by decreasing sperm production; ask your doctor about quitting smoking or asking for assistance if needed; some medications and medical treatments, like radiation for cancer treatments, may interfere with sperm production permanently damaging production or interferes with production permanently - speak to your physician if any questions arise!


Infections of the reproductive tract can have an immediate impact on semen parameters. Antibiotics may help restore these back to normal when infections clear up; for instance, in one study of men with epididymitis who took antibiotics as treatment, their semen parameters returned to normal after 6 days. Furthermore, hormone treatments or medications may increase fertility when caused by hormonal issues (e.g. low testosterone levels or varicocele).

Long-term use of narcotics may have an adverse impact on sperm quality; however, short-term narcotic use for pain control appears not to influence its quality in any significant way.

ACE inhibitors such as captopril and enalapril can have reversible impacts on sperm counts and motility for some individuals; others experience no change at all; further research must be completed.

Thiopurines like azathioprine and 6-MP have been proven to reduce semen levels in some men. Although this effect is usually reversible, in rare instances it increases miscarriage risk as well as congenital defects in offspring; so contraception should always be utilized while taking such medications.

Natural supplements may help enhance sperm count and motility. Zinc supplementation was shown to increase both testicular volume and count; while Ashwagandha herb was proven to improve motility. These should only be taken under v2 ajmali.

Lifestyle Changes:

If you want to increase the quantity and motility of your sperm, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes can all play a part. Avoiding processed meats and other high-fat foods could improve sperm quality while eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains can boost production as well as avoidance of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs which could hinder that effort.

Vitamins B complex, folic acid and vitamin E may all play a part in increasing sperm count and motility. Folate is an essential form of Vitamin B9 for red blood cell formation that contributes to both development and motility of sperm, so supplementation with it is highly beneficial. Food sources including whole grains, dark leafy vegetables, chicken, low-fat cheese and yogurt all contain folate as does supplementation via supplements; also available are whole-grain cereals and dark leafy veggies (green or dark leafy vegetables),

Whole-grain cereals (grain cereals), dark leafy vegetables (green), chicken low-fat cheese and yogurt. Folate is available both through food sources as supplements as supplements while vitamin E acts as an antioxidant protection mechanism which protects against damage caused by oxidative stress; foods containing this include guava avocadoes as well as spinach as fruit rich sources such as citrus fruits (especially citrus fruits) can all provide essential a source of this essential nutrient.


Zinc can be found in foods like eggs, dairy products, nuts and seafood and can help increase both sperm count and motility. Zinc may help to akseer e kiram levels for increased fertility while vitamin D obtained through sunlight exposure or food sources also enhances motility by helping the body absorb calcium more effectively.




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