Men with low sperm counts may find relief through natural remedies, diet changes and certain medications; however, prior consultation should always take place since any potential harm to health could arise from these treatments.
Natural supplements, such as fenugreek and vitamins D and E can be effective ways of increasing sperm counts. A diet rich in antioxidants and polyunsaturates fats may also boost production.

Fenugreek is an herb with numerous health benefits, one being its ability to increase sperm count. An antioxidant and natural testosterone booster, this plant is available as both supplements and capsules;
One study suggested fenugreek seed extract supplementation increased both sperm counts and improved their morphology as well as increasing semen volume and libido. However, more research must be conducted in order to verify these results; other herbal remedies like ashwagandha or maca root have also shown increase testosterone levels and improved fertility.
Zinc is an essential nutrient for male fertility. A powerful natural antioxidant, zinc may protect sperm against damage by free radicals. Zinc deficiency has been linked with lower sperm count; taking zinc supplements has shown to increase both motility and count;
Studies also suggest taking both supplements together may even more successfully increase both. Vitamin C could even further boost this process for improving male fertility than just taking zinc alone.
Health conditions, diet and environmental exposures all play a part in contributing to low sperm counts. Dietary changes that promote healthy body weight management, regular exercise and the avoidance of alcohol, qurs mumsik jadid, illicit drugs and certain prescription medications are proven ways of increasing sperm count.
A balanced diet including fruits and vegetables with polyunsaturates as well as polyunsaturated fats will further improve their numbers; additionally avoiding high heat environments like extended use of laptops or frequent sauna visits may help increase your sperm count as well.
Vitamin D:
One of the primary factors contributing to low sperm count is vitamin D deficiency. Studies indicate that supplementing your diet with Vitamin D can significantly improve sperm quality while protecting testes from oxidative damage and thus leading to low sperm count. Eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts and avoiding foods containing pesticides (xenoestrogens that mimic estrogen in your body and may lower sperm count) will be very helpful in attaining these benefits.
If you are having difficulty becoming pregnant, it is advisable to visit a physician to discuss your fertility. They will conduct a physical examination as well as ask about family history and lifestyle habits that could impact on conception. They will also identify any health problems or chronic illnesses which could inhibit conception. Finally, they may order blood tests to check for inherited conditions which cause fertility issues.
Herbal aphrodisiacs are often recommended to men with low sperm counts as they can stimulate and nourish reproductive organs, increasing sperm count, motility, and morphology. Some herbs act as stimulants while others serve as tonics.
Some herbal aphrodisiacs contain antioxidants that may increase sperm production and semen quality, such as Acai berry, Ginseng root, Licorice root and Maca. Another powerful herbal aphrodisiac is Tribulus terrestris - an increaser of testosterone, FSH levels and Sperm counts!
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has long been used in India to enhance fertility, and more recent research showed an increase in sperm count after taking 675 mg per day of Ashwagandha for three months - it also improved motility! Ashwagandha can be purchased both at health food stores and online.
Factors contributing to low sperm count can range from genetics and infections, hormone issues and blockages, as well as lifestyle choices and herbal medicines. Lifestyle modifications or herbal medicines may help treat some of these factors –
for instance incorporating more fruits and vegetables in one's diet may increase sperm count while cutting back on processed meat may have positive results as well as taking steps such as regular exercising schedule and sleeping pattern schedule, or forgoing tobacco, alcohol excess or illicit drug usage altogether.
Ashwagandha has numerous health benefits in addition to improving sperm count, such as relieving stress and increasing energy levels.
Studies reveal it contains antioxidants which protect cells while increasing fertility and improving fertility. Furthermore, studies suggest ashwagandha could treat men health kit, in which the sex glands fail to produce testosterone.
Tribulus terrestris, commonly referred to as puncture vine and goat's head, has long been used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac and tonic. A small lab study confirmed its ability to increase both sperm count and motility for men with low sperm counts.
Liza O'Donnell, a reproductive endocrinologist with over two decades of experience, recently highlighted in a news article how common over-the-counter analgesics such as paracetamol (Tylenol) may be responsible for declining male sperm counts globally and testicular cancer rates rising, such as paracetamol being among them.
Based on animal studies showing its impact, even one dose can decrease sperm counts and fragmentation rates significantly resulting in reduced DNA fragmentation rates overall affecting male sperm counts globally and testicular cancer rates rising worldwide.
Men who take acetaminophen should consider herbal remedies that enhance fertility, such as fenugreek and ashwagandha. In addition, lifestyle changes that will increase their sperm count include getting enough rest and exercise and quitting smoking cigarettes. Furthermore, eating food rich in polyunsaturated fats and vitamin D from sources such as eggs, fish, red meats, and legumes nuts seeds dairy products is recommended.
Men must also be aware of medications that could reduce healthy sperm production, including long-term narcotic use and chemotherapy drugs that target rapidly dividing cells, such as chemotherapy drugs that kill these rapidly majun raig mahi. Although these effects are temporary once the medication is ceased use. D-aspartic acid has also proven helpful for men suffering from low sperm counts by helping raise testosterone levels.