Unani Medicine is a holistic system of healing that has been around for centuries. It is based on the principle that balance leads to health, and imbalance leads to illness.
Majoon-e-Piyaz is a compound Unani formulation which has been used to treat BPH since centuries. It has been shown to be safe and effective in reducing symptoms of BPH.

Root Causes:
Unani is a holistic traditional medicine that provides promotive, preventive and curative healthcare. It is based on a philosophy that all diseases are natural processes and symptoms are the body’s reactions to these processes. The health of a person depends on seven factors known as Umoor-E-Tabaiya: elements, temperaments, humours, organs, vital forces and faculties.
Unani physicians believe that good health is the result of balanced humours, which are fluids in the body that give it its life-supporting power. The humours are blood (dam), phlegm (balgham), yellow bile (safra) and black bile (sauda).
Unani physicians use herbs to balance the humours, which helps in restoring the body’s self-healing ability. The herbs have minimal side effects and are safe to take. This system of healing focuses on the whole body and uses herbal compositions to strengthen the immune system.
Unani physicians also rely on temperament as a factor in determining health and disease, as they believe that one’s physical constitution and tendencies determine his susceptibility to various diseases.
Using herbs that are natural aphrodisiacs, these Unani medicines can provide you with increased sexual libido and boost your performance in the bedroom. They also delay ejaculation, so you can last for longer during sexual intercourse and you’ll find that you have more control over the process and can satisfy your partner more effectively.
These herbal Unani medicines can also increase sperm count, which will help you achieve orgasms more often and make your sex life more enjoyable. They can also relieve erectile dysfunction by stimulating the central nervous system, and they can be taken as a best pakistani hakeem.
In the study we found that 67% of participants were aware of Unani medicine and it is more popular among men. The main reason for the high awareness is due to social media and friends. The other reasons were family trend and health magazines.
The Unani system of medicine is a medical system that is focused on preservation of health and prevention from disease. It has a very important aspect called Ilaj Bil Ghiza, which is the method of maintaining health in a positive manner.
Unani medicine focuses on the preservation of health and prevention from disease. It considers seven natural factors that make up the body — atmospheric air, food and drinks, physical or bodily movement or response, mental or psychic movements or responses, sleep and wakefulness, and excretion and retention.
These elements are balanced through the use of herbs and spices.
They help to improve overall physical and mental well-being. Unani medicines can also be used to treat sexual disorders such as early ejaculation and low libido. These herbal treatments work by promoting blood flow to the penis, resulting in longer and thicker erections.
Unani doctors also prescribe established regimen mental therapies, such as dalak (massage), hammam and karat (bath and exercise), fasd and hijamat (venesection and cupping, respectively), and amat-e-kai (bleeding therapy with leeches). These therapies are meant to cleanse the body and remove any impurities. They can also enhance libido and increase stamina. The results of these treatments are usually progressive and online pansar store in pakistan.
In Unani medicine, health is not merely an absence of disease but the maintenance of a positive state of health. Therefore, a lot of stress is laid on the practice of proper and regular exercise, good eating habits, clean drinking water, healthy and safe sleeping patterns, the avoidance of excessive and unnecessary emotional outbursts, mental rest and repose and the intake of fresh and wholesome food.
Unani medicine emphasizes a personalized and predictive approach to maintaining health and preventing diseases, which gives it its distinctiveness in holistically dealing with the human body. Personalized approach focuses on the temperament of an individual; it is the person’s specific predisposition to certain diseases that determines his/her propensity to get sick. Predictive approach involves identifying prodromal signs and taking preventive measures.
The study highlights the different approaches to health promotion and disease prevention mentioned in classical Unani texts, such as lifestyle schedules, dietetic modifications, regimens and drugs. They need to be validated in terms of identification and efficacy, with the help of appropriate research male health care herbal products lahore.