Unani practitioners in the West often appear as an informal network of dispersed individuals; to locate one requires making numerous contacts and trying to connect with someone directly.
Men's health issues that Unani medicine addresses include chest diseases, including prostate enlargement (Sal'a ghudda-i-madhi). Other conditions treated are urinary tract infections and bladder neck swelling.

Erectile dysfunction:
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most frequently reported sexual-related health problem among both men and those assigned male at birth, reported to their physicians by men themselves or medical providers. ED may be an indicator of more serious health conditions and negatively impacts quality of life and relationships.
Feeling embarrassed to talk about his sexual function with their doctor could delay diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, so by directly questioning patients during checkups about sexual function they may detect this condition faster.
Erectile dysfunction symptoms include being unable to establish or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual stimulation, often due to diabetes, heart disease or high cholesterol. Vascular causes may include diabetes, cardiovascular issues or high cholesterol; neurogenic causes include strokes, spinal cord injuries or neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis; while psychogenic causes could include stress anxiety or depression. Urine tests (urinalysis) or blood tests may be performed to look for these increase sperm count unani medicine.
Chest diseases:
Unani System of Medicine (USM) associates the lungs with sanguine humor. Any imbalance can lead to respiratory problems and this three-herb decoction has many protective and therapeutic actions including antiviral, antioxidant, hepatoprotective and nephroprotective properties; additionally it promotes gut microbiota regulation while strengthening resilience against respiratory viral infections.
Hippocrates recommended bathing in water as an effective means of clearing away phlegm and stimulating the body's natural recuperative powers, along with home remedies like barley soup and vinegar to help patients relax.
In contrast, Unani medicine holds that all illness comes from within; thus treating both physical and mental wellbeing through treatments that recognize environmental influences on health as well as strengthening immunity systems and providing medicine that strengthens them both simultaneously. Unani doctors also identify causes of disease so they may address them directly.
Skin diseases:
Unani medicine holds that our bodies contain four essential essences - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile - which play various roles within our systems. These essences (akhlats) play various functions within the human body.
Unani medicines use herbal ingredients to correct imbalances that lead to diseases, and have proven very successful at treating skin conditions such as vitiligo (leucoderma), psoriasis and dermatitis. Neem (Azadirachta indica) is one of the primary medicinal plants employed by Unani physicians due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antipyretic and hypoglycemic herbal remedies for stomach.
Unani medicine offers effective psoriasis treatment based on extracting Sawda' Ghaliz from the skin to restore normal functioning.
Early diagnosis and proper Unani medicines treatment often result in remarkable improvements for those suffering from psoriasis; Figure 1 depicts such results for one 46-year old male with thick, itchy plaques on his arms exhibiting unusual appearance of Psoriasis.
Weight loss:
Weight loss is a top concern for many. This issue stems from overeating, lack of exercise, and unhealthy eating habits; but there are natural methods of weight loss. These include diet, exercise and supplements. Unani medicine for men health may even assist you in your efforts to shed the extra weight while improving overall health.
Unani medicine recognizes inner forces or tabciyat that exist within the body that when weakened can cause disease; medicine works to correct them and help the body return to its normal state.
Classical Unani medicines have long been recognized for their efficacy in managing blood sugar, improving lipid profiles and decreasing BP. One such Unani medicine, Safoof e Muhazzil (Kabardian 1931; Hafiz 2005), contains ingredients which have proven their efficacy by decreasing fat levels while simultaneously increasing innate heat and toning the liver - not to mention acting as a natural best unani medicine for gastric problem!