Lifestyle changes such as cutting back on processed meat consumption and engaging in regular physical exercise may help increase sperm count; other options may include oral medications like Clomid (clomiphene citrate), which have been found to boost both count and motility among men with mild semen abnormalities.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hMG), which directly stimulates testes to produce testosterone, may help increase sperm count and motility among some men with low semen abnormalities.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is one of the most prevalent antioxidants found in semen, and has been shown to protect sperm DNA against oxidative damage. Furthermore, studies indicate it improves sperm count, motility and morphology--especially among smokers.
Additional supplements that may help increase sperm counts include polyunsaturated fats found in fish and nuts as well as vitamins C, E, D, selenium and zinc - which has been shown to boost testosterone levels, potentially aiding with hormonally related low sperm counts.
Addition of herbs such as ashwagandha and maca root may improve semen health by increasing production of hormones that stimulate sperm production. Also important is N-acetylcysteine which reduces oxidative stress in the body while replenishing glutathione stores, thereby protecting against inflammation and oxidative damage to sperm cells.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is a nutrient that protects cells in your body against free radical damage caused by free radicals. Studies suggest that insufficient levels of vitamin D could have negative ramifications on fertility and sperm count, potentially impacting reproductive health and fertility outcomes.
Researchers found in one study that males with vitamin D deficiencies had a lower sperm count compared to their counterparts who did not suffer from deficiency, as well as higher levels of oxidative stress that can lead to DNA damage in sperm.
Vitamin D supplements may help enhance fertility and sperm count. Also known as the "sunshine vitamin", D3 can be found in many food and supplement sources and has been proven effective at increasing sperm motility while simultaneously decreasing deformed sperm cells in clinical studies conducted herbal medicine in pakistan.
Fenugreek seeds are a natural remedy to increase sperm count and quality. By including this dietary supplement into your routine, fenugreek seed consumption can help boost testosterone levels and sperm count simultaneously, improving semen production and quality as well. According to one study conducted with men taking 600 mg per day of Testofen(r) from Gencor Pacific Ltd for two menstrual cycles showed both increased motility and count in their sperm samples.
L-carnitine can also help increase production of free testosterone and enhance sperm motility for those suffering from asthenozoospermia, according to one study conducted with 46 men who took 675 mg daily of ashwagandha extract for three months, leading them to experience a 167% increase in both their count and motility.
Zinc is an essential trace mineral and plays an essential role in numerous bodily processes, with testosterone production playing an especially crucial part. Zinc deficiency has also been linked to low sperm count and poor fertility; luckily dietary changes and natural remedies can help increase both count and quality.
Studies have demonstrated that taking zinc supplements can enhance sperm motility and volume while simultaneously decreasing oxidative damage to sperm cells and increasing count.
Zinc can be found in many foods, such as red meat, poultry, fish, milk, whole grains, fortified cereals, legumes and pumpkin seeds. Many over-the-counter fertility supplements contain both zinc and folic acid which have been shown to improve both motility and count of sperm.
Ashwagandha has long been used as a natural aphrodisiac and to improve testosterone levels in men, while simultaneously increasing sperm count and motility. According to one study, men taking 5 grams per day experienced higher sperm counts and motility after three months than those receiving placebo pills.
Ashwagandha may help reduce stress.
Chronically high stress levels lead to oxidative damage and reduced sperm production; Ashwagandha has been found to lower cortisol levels to mitigate stress responses and thus decrease stress responses.
Recent double blind research on 46 oligospermia males concluded that high concentration full spectrum ashwagandha root extract significantly increases both sperm count and motility, as well as semen quality and nitric oxide levels in the body, potentially hakeem in lahore
Maca root:
Maca root, native to Peru's Andes Mountains and eaten for centuries by indigenous populations there, has recently been found effective at increasing fertility among both men and women, improving sperm count and increasing fertility as well as decreasing symptoms associated with menopause while simultaneously increasing energy.
Recent studies show its benefits can even extend into improving sexual performance among male users and decreasing symptoms related to menopause as well.
Studies published in Andrologia demonstrated that nine male participants who took maca for 16 weeks experienced significant increases in both sperm count and motility compared to those who didn't take maca. Although these results are encouraging, additional research must be completed in order to validate them.
Keep in mind when taking maca that it contains estrogen-like compounds, so it should be used with caution if you suffer from hormone-sensitive conditions like breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Also avoid it while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Coenzyme Q10:
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant supplement which has been shown to significantly improve sperm quality and motility, reduce oxidative stress associated with infertility, and aid in increasing fertility. Available as a dietary supplement, CoQ10 may also be combined with other dietary supplements for maximum fertility benefits.
CoQ10 protects mitochondria from oxidative damage and helps produce ATP, an essential energy source needed for sperm production and motility as well as maintaining DNA integrity.
Fertility & Sterility magazine published a study which demonstrated that men with low sperm motility experienced increased levels of CoQ10 in their seminal fluid after taking 200 mg daily for six months of CoQ10 supplements, leading to improved best hakeem in lahore, density, and morphology of their sperm.
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